Flying: Why must we wait until 8.2?

Yeah, because dreaming up new ways to punish players who like to fly is SO good for the game.


How is that punishing? It’s been stated that you flying just because we’ve had it for years, not because you can avoid mobs/players/farm faster. So, you get to keep flying and there’s more incentive to stay on the ground. Sounds like the reasoning people have been giving is bullshet.

adding flying right now might save the xpac (for the time being)

i am really getting fed up with having to fight terrain more than mobs. i really would be more inclined to do WQs if i could get there reasonably. tired of having to hearth in the main hub, tired of trying to find a pathway to a WQ that seems “right there” but isnt, tired of a weird spot in the road/mountain/path that i can’t get up despite the fact I am a nine foot tall druid who apparently cant jump worth mothballs (censored 4 u!)…


It’s punishing because any reduction in speed of flying mounts would be punishing.


Lol, amazing logic. How can anyone argue with it? “Any change to this game is punishment if X was in the game before!”

Pathfinder broke my immersion so badly I haven’t played for months. Haven’t even logged in. I gave pathfinder more than a fair chance and I hate it.


Show me where I stated that. Anywhere.

You’re claiming that any reduction in speed would be punishing. Why would that be punishing? Because it’s been given to you? Plenty of things that have been in this game are no longer in it. Abilities, items, events, etc., is it punishing that they were removed/changed? Not sure why I had to spell that out for you, but it’s ok.

imagine for us newcomers : i have to do a thousand quest to fly in… in WOD ? a 5 years old expansion ??? really ??? like, why exactly : to satisfy the oldtimers that have spent the last decade ruining their life playing this game ? this game that i pay for and i have to copy / paste / waste my time to enjoy the landscape in WOD ??? nahhh
ok, legion, i get it, and it was nice doing all the stuff but that old, completely outdated region WOD, if you’re 120 : you should fly.
But you know, at some point, they 'll need money and more money and we’ll be surprised to be able to purchase that.


LOL. You’re making my point for me.

It would be punishing because there is no need to slow down flight. It wouldn’t help the game at all and it would substantially reduce the pleasure players get from flying at top speed.

The game has already suffered quite enough as a result of things being taken away.

No need to pile on.

BTW: You still haven’t shown me where I stated " “Any change to this game is punishment if X was in the game before!”.


Slowing flying down and speeding up ground mounts would be an incentive to have people stay on the ground, yanno, what the game is developed around. So, you don’t want flying because you enjoy flying, the views, the other stuff that has been spewed through the thread. You want flying because it’s fast and negates 90% of the open world.

rgr, see how easy that was?

Guess what? I don’t need YOU to tell me what I want and don’t want in this game. If you like being grounded, nothing is stopping you from riding your ground mounts to your heart’s content.

The rest of us want to fly and we don’t need any more “modifications” to that mechanic. Enough damage has been done already.

See how easy that was?



Holy bad idea Batman! You make Billy Madison look like a freaking genius with that idea! What is that anyway if not:

That idea of yours would completely negate the entire purpose of mounts. Do you even read your own posts?

I mean, a mechanic like that is fine, for a quest, but it would get real tiresome real fast if it were imposed on regular movement. Your idea would make all mounts inconvenient for everyone.

I am now convinced that you are nothing but a troll, and will not be replying to any more of your posts.


Only if ground mount riding costs at least 10k more gold to learn than flying does. You don’t get that 310% speed just from basic flight training.


This is the first compromise I came up with, just cutting out the time gate, and it is the main one I am after. It gets shot down by ones like Velara who are so stuck on pathfinder being a “list of chores” that they refuse to even accept pathfinder being one choice, for those that want it, while those that want to, can get flight for gold.

This is why I have posted flight for gold being an option, to try and get the “Flight for Gold” group into the discussion of ways to compromise so the bulk of us are happy.

The issue is there is a divide among the pro-flight group, those that like pathfinder, but want some changes (I.E. one and done, no artificial timegates, etc) and those that want it gone completely. I am in the first group, willing to work with the second to at least get them the option to buy flight for gold, after a basic requirement (I.E. max level as it was in BC, and MoP) is met. As long as there is this divide among those of us that want flight, why should Blizzard really pay attention? Would it not be better to reach a general consensus among ourselves so we can present workable ideas to blizzard instead of being stuck in certain mindsets and sniping at each other?


Considering the Dev’s have shown themselves to be a pretty underhanded in regards to Pathfinder, when asked which Id rather have, I’d want flying for gold instead of pathfinder part 1. Thats because I do not trust the dev team to be fair about it. They have the power to tack on anything they want to pathfinder (which they have), and so I don’t trust that they would keep the requirements reasonable. So for me, it’s not that im selfish and want something my own way. I want something to return to how it used to be, before pathfinder was ever a thing. It’s just too open ended and the Dev’s can abuse it. If they kept the requirements within reason and never change it for every expac to follow, then i’d be totally ok with needing to finish pathfinder to fly. No time gates attached. Let my own progression dictate when I will be flying. That I would be ok with.


Thank you for this, I actually agree that the devs are underhanded, or at least Ion is such. The thing with flight for gold being an option is if they make the pathfinder requirements too ridiculous, no one, even ones like me, would do it.

I like the getting flight for alts part of pathfinder completion, so that would sweeten the pot for me as far as pathfinder. I also like it as it is how I play the game anyway. I have no real issues with those that want flight for gold, I just want both groups to be able to play their way, or at least the choice to choose how we get flight with pros and cons for each.

Again, thank you for pointing out what you would prefer and what you would accept, it gives fuel to reaching at least a compromise among us players.


Yeah I think Pathfinder is definitely worth it for players who really enjoy leveling and playing alts. Its more useful for them to grind that out then have to buy flight for each toon they have. For someone like me who doesn’t have much time, and only really gets to play on my main, buying it with gold fits my play style more. I don’t get to play my alts as much anymore, but I do really enjoy playing through the game on my main.


You would probably consider the smallest amount of effort in riding our mounts to be inconvenient.

I totally agree. Its so dumb to have to keep waiting. There is no reason that we can’t fly now, other then the Ego’s of the Dev’s not allowing it to happen.