Flying was poorly done

“Captain Blizzard doesn’t hate us, OP….he just hates you.”

-Lt. Winters, Band of Brothers

Yeah and the hodgepodge that was Argus sucked. Argus should have been an expansion not an xpac. The same with Ny’alotha.

How the current dev team has squandered what should have been easy wins just blows my mind. And how flying has been treated in 9.1 is beyond unacceptable.


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Flight is a definite plus for alts and anyone with a Threads of Fate toon. Convenience and time saver for mains. The one change I wish they would make is that you can fly into the portal then change into that mount that flies in-between instead of having to go to a flight point and then depart the area

I’m confused. You have 23,825 achievement points, but your profile is hidden so I can’t see how far those go back.

I have to assume you didn’t play the game between Blizzcon 2013 and Fall of 2015 and weren’t around when Blizzard tried to permanently kill flying in future content starting with WOD.

Click the link-

First of all I didn’t realize it was hidden.
Secondly, you misunderstood completely what I meant.

I remember them trying to kill it. I also remember the backlash from that. I also remember saying that while it doesn’t bother me one way or another, I can adapt to no flying, I’d prefer flying and didn’t like the idea either.

In your comment you made it sound like it was intentional that they made us forget that we couldnt fly and intentionally make us mount ground mounts so we’d fall to our death’s.

Now I’m going to take some blame here and say I misread it as well.

So no need to catch me up on anything. And yes I’ve been playing quite awhile.

This was in answer to Indoknight’s comment:


"I did this earlier today. I was at Hero’s Rest. Mounted my mount and rode right over the edge. My non flying ground mount.

I still forget that I can fly and only remember as I go running through an Army of Spriggans."

It was lol at me comment.

You then commented:

"This is intentional.

They’ve not given up their plan to kill it."

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Totally understand. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to be vague.

I’ll try to clarify…if I can -

First, you’re alone in forgetting you were on a ground-only mount. I did it last week on my Ardenweald stag because I’ve gotten used to several former ground mounts being given clearance to fly. :blush:

The reason I don’t think they’ve given up their goal of killing flying is because it seems like they keep cutting corners at every opportunity to save money,

I’m mostly a solo player and don’t enjoy dungeons and raids I can’t solo.

Flying is my favorite feature in the game, (WoD cured my blind faith in Blizzard.)

Legion was a huge improvement over WoD (which wasn’t hard to do honestly), and has been my favorite expansion to date. (I know liking it more than Wrath is heresy. :wink:) I played more end game content on my main than ever before. So much so I mostly ignored my alts.

BfA had fewer WQs than Legion, but Warfronts and Island Expeditions made up for it.

Shadowlands has fewer still, and I was bored to sobs by week 7.

Fewer WQs = fewer labor hour hours = less payroll expenditure.

Flying requires more labor hours to finish the artwork that allows the players to be fully immersed in the world from every side and angle instead of being a stage with false fronts like the Draenei and BElf starting zones. That requires more payroll expenditure.

I think there are enough executive developers at Blizzard that truly believe the more players they can train to not care about flying, get used to playing without it and not miss it, the easier it will be to eventually stop adding it to the game going forward.

Having four small isolated zones that you can’t travel from one to the next on your flying mount is part of it. Not including a Flight Master’s Whistle adds to the time-played metric.

I’m sure their required devotion to the Time-Played bottom line forces logic that allows them to believe the absence of the Whistle takes away the constant reminder there’s no flying yet (even though for me it’s had the opposite effect.)

It would not only be better for the game but also be more cost-effective to cut Kotick’s salary by 50% (and he’d still be making an obscenely unethical amount of money), not lay off a large amount of their employees, and instead invest in the game by not only hiring (back) those talented people (or find new ones who don’t feel they’ve been burned too many times to return), pay them enough to incentivize them to stay and insure they won’t be poached by rival software companies, invest in the game and their development team to put out a higher quality product with more original and unique content instead of recycling the same system + WQ formula, or at least add enough tweaks and actual quests so they seem fresh and different enough so they don’t start repeating themselves within the first week.



How strange I have that issue. Oh yah, I can fly here! I keep forgetting. I love that I CAN FLY! But I really have to remind myself…

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I hear you, but I am guessing this post will be banned. But I hear you!

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At this point I’m starting to believe the only reason they removed flying is so they could put little jumping puzzles in the world.

Sure it does other stuff like slowing down players to extend play time slightly, but honestly they probably lose more sub time pay from players who skip the the game until flying is allowed.


OMG. You’re NOT alone. :disappointed::neutral_face: I need sleep.

The more their game design has trended towards tiny, ultra condensed zones absolutely overflowing with hostile mobs the more I resent their treating flying as nothing more than a treat for alts.

In days of the more spread out sprawling areas I would have perhaps understood their desire to pull back on flying a bit, but now? I’m practically dying to fly the moment I step foot in one of their newer zones. This applies to BFA as well. Legion too for that matter. Most of the zones are just jam packed with stuff that wants to kill me, and it’s exhausting.

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