Flying Update in Shadowlands

Amazing please get rid of pathfinder for new expansions to please.


Pathfinder in and of itself isn’t bad. They made the right decision to remove p2 from previous expansions. In current expansions waiting almost a YEAR after release to fly is NOT acceptable. 3 or 4 months aft release is fine. Pathfinder 1 fine, Pathfinder 2 No.

lol …Really? Pathfinder is one of the “main reasons” players leave WoW?

Is it the leading cause of death for orphans and puppies, too?

no but people have long suspected its the main reason for higher interest rates when refinancing your house though

I hope you realize how what you are saying sounds. People can figure these things out themselves. They don’t need some rando on the internet telling them.

You started off by claiming no one is going to cancel their sub because of this and now after 2 hours or more of back and forth you are telling me to cancel my sub… what a laugh.


Were those thousands of gold spent on flying so all of your characters could fly when leveling through Draenor for the past five years worth it? Or would you prefer to have left them grounded until getting it free in the distant future? Five years is a long time.

I never said “no one” would do anything. I said…

I specifically said “they”, which could men any number of people from one to infinity. I never said “no one”.

As for you cancelling your sub… You said you aren’t enjoying the game anymore. That the game “has come down to getting flying each expansion” and you said that since they removed “the need” for PF (how, I’m unsure but whatever you think) “I [you] can wait” and that “the game has become pointless to play continually”. Then something about 3 accounts (why in the world would anyone need, or want, 3 accounts is beyond me but to each their own I suppose). All I said was that if you no longer find enjoyment in the game it’s probably time to move on.

If you enjoy doing things you don’t like or that make you miserable, hey… Who am I to hinder you? Carry on.

I am curious where you got this part. I don’t remember saying anything about rep at all let alone that being all I do.

Not sure where you got this either.

Inaccessible dosent mean flying designed. Flying dosent add anything to the gameplay, the mobs dont bother you at all while flying and the only reason you need flying is because they dint make another path to reach places. But just add a small bridge or rope or whatever and flying becomes obsolete.


remove Pathfinder completely from the game


Maybe exercise your long lost reading comprehension skill. I never said Pathfinder wasn’t causing people to quit, it’s just not causing “A lot” to quit the game. It isn’t a dealbreaker for the vast majority of people playing the game. People who complain about pathfinder like the inaccurate fool I replied to with my initial post like to pretend if Pathfinder didn’t exist this game would be back to 12 million subs. At most it’s cost a couple hundred. Granted with retail being so barren that might be close to half of the remaining playerbase.

Because they want you to pick an expansion to level in. If they kept the requirements in it would boil your choices to where you were able to fly given it’s the most efficient form of travel with superior speed to ground mount, in addition to the utter negation of the terrain and monsters on the ground.

This was a no-brainer, did you honestly think they removed pathfinder from leveling content for any other reason than that alone? It’s why they’re supposedly removing treasures and bonus objectives in WoD too, because the meta would be to pick WoD, fly and collect treasures and Bonus Objectives to the cap with nobody bothering to try the other areas because WoD would just be significantly quicker to level in.

If you actually did, delusion at its finest.

Maybe you all should have considered the rubber band snapping back when you begged for the game to increasingly become centered on the idea in an MMO you should feel fulfilled for playing four hours a week and getting everything done.

I saw this coming from Cataclysm when they began to change the game to World of Chorecraft. They removed most incentive to actually play outside of specific windows to cater to a supremely casual audience who quite frankly with their mindset just shouldn’t play MMOs. It was a downright given that they’d eventually realize that was foolish and start putting difficulty back into the game because it would hit a point where people felt there was no reason to play the game. So they made arbitrary grinds like this that have now become CORE to the functionality of your character just so people felt obligated to still play actively because it’s a much easier approach than making a game that you just were excited to play no matter what you were doing like in Vanilla through mid Wrath.

Those chickens came home to roost.

And for the record, I stand by that statement. MMOs are a genre about time investment and status. Two things Blizzard has done their best to be rid of and lo and behold, their game has been on a downward spiral not just in gameplay but in subscriber numbers ever since they made this move. MMOs do not work when you design them around “Do your raid once or twice a week, do a mythic +15, and cap your conquest.” This was the precise kind of gameplay entirely antithetical to MMOs as a genre. This is why you’re noticing the newer ones coming out that actually DO look promising like Ashes of Creation, or even available now FFXIV are starting to put more focus on just you enjoying your time online and actually having your time invested matter. What’s additional time investment equate to in WoW? Oh right, you might have gotten a couple more corruption rolled items that week.

If you can’t invest time to it, you just shouldn’t play an MMO. If your hand eye coordination sucks, you just shouldn’t play FPS games. If your ability to micromanage is terrible, don’t play an RTS. If you make incredibly bad decisions often, you shouldn’t play a MOBA.

In real life, if you’re short, don’t play basketball. The only difference though is the crop of people who came into MMOs with an overly entitled mindset around 2010 or shortly after demanded the entire basis of the genre be hacked away to suit their entitlement. So things like time investment, and the now anathema thought of “Actually being rewarded for pushing yourself to succeed by rewarding you with exclusive content that wasn’t relegated behind a single difficulty that 5% of the playerbase engages with” were removed and the game went to hell. Whereas why TBC succeeded is it made you want to play, it made you want to get better so you could see the cool stuff later. Now you just sit on your hands waiting for LFR wings to open up so you can feel like you did the raid.

At least when I realized my height disadvantage I just said “Maybe basketball isn’t for me. I’ll stick to hockey.” I didn’t demand that taller people be barred from playing the game or that they change the size of things so I had as close to an equal shot as they did. I just faced reality, like an adult.

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It is a big thing for People coming back thats just guild chat . pathfinder needs to go way and never come back

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game is not fun if not for guild i would be gone . Can only do same thing over and over and over and so on for so long .


Blizzard isn’t changing their approach to flying. This is literally what they do to legacy raids every few expacs.

so in other words if you aren’t a hardcore or a professional player then you have no business being here and expecting to have fun?

I wasn’t aware WoW was supposed to be only for the no lifer raider types that play 23 hrs a day and frankly your attitude is the kind of smug arrogance that is driving away the casuals which are the ones that are truly keeping WoW alive or do you really think this game would survive with the 5% of the players that do nothing but run mythics and premade pvp?

its players like yourself that are the real problem that is plaguing games like this so instead of trying to run off those you deem not suitable to be here perhaps YOU are the type of player that has no place here and should leave


And this is a problem why? Also this contradicts your former statement, i.e.

Either people care about flying or they don’t and if they don’t then they will just pick whatever expansion for whatever reason. Why is picking an expansion based on color scheme, or lore, or mobs, or flying any better than any other reason.

If I can’t fly to quest in expansions I previously did pathfinder in with the understanding it will be account wide for ALL characters I level through there I just won’t level ANY more characters period.

? I seriously doubt I begged for anything let alone this.

what is it you were talking about being delusional before about. Where the heck are you coming up with this stuff. It surely isn’t anything I wrote…


Please also update the unlocks for all the races. We’ve paid for all the expansions. Getting all of the content without having to roll back thru several year old expansions would be nice.

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From this…

You said the game has come down to “getting flying each expansion” which amounts to the normal leveling content (questing & exploration) and rep grinds. You continued to say that “the game has become pointless to play continuously” because they will make flight “free” (possibly) 2 expansions from now.

To me that says you don’t do anything in the game other than get PF (which you said, and which is mostly rep grinds, and that you don’t enjoy the game as you currently play it.

So you should either find a different hobby, at least for a while, or do other things in the game rather than focus solely on a flying achievement that will largely (if you do at least the emissary set of WQs semi regularly) be done without even noticing you’re doing it.

You said you focus solely on PF and that you don’t feel a need to play to do just that. That is where I got it from.

Can we stop saying this? It doesn’t just happen without noticing. You have to go out of your way to get the rep for the tortolians and champions. You have to log in, see if an emissary then go out of your way to do the dailies that usually involve going to both continents. It’s not “just normal play”.


Yep. I would venture to bet, however, that “most” players do a combination of all of those things. Sure, there are some who do nothing but instanced content and there are some who do nothing but open world content. But the vast majority of players probably do a little of everything.

I’ve been playing a long time and I know a lot of people who play this game, or have played at some point, and very few of the people I, personally, have encountered limit themselves to one aspect of the game in the way the forums would generally like to claim. A few here and there do, but most don’t.

Probably. But not as many as you seem to think I would bet. Other things that cause people not to play are poor class balance, life changes, no longer having fun, and a plethora of other things.

Oh, I don’t know… Maybe the reasons they stated… Disparity from choosing one zone to level vs choosing a different zone to level. It makes zero sense to be able to fly in Northrend but not Broken Shore.

It makes perfect sense to not be able to fly in BfA zones because every new player will have to level there. (And yes, we’ve already been over this…we don’t actually know if BfA will also be unlocked or not.)