Flying Update in Shadowlands

is the Developer’s War on Flying finally over?


And nothing in Alpha is just something in Alpha to help speed up testing. I totally get it now…

“Most” people who are going to get it already have it. Telling us now that they won’t need it in Shadowlands would make little difference in how people are currently playing the game, I would imagine.

And yes, I am aware that I speak only for myself. But past PF completion rates side by side with BFA completion rate (Draenor, 47.9% - Legion, 66.8% - BFA, 68.5%). If they were gonna do it, it would be done by now.

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There isn’t anything special being tested in BfA content except for new players questing. I literally could not even get into that content on my max level character a few days ago. So nice try but go ahead believe what you want.

Not until the time gate is removed from current pathfinder.

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And there never will be, I’m sure. Honestly, just the level squish is “special testing” in every zone. It also could be a bug, those never happen in Alpha. It could be intended, or it could be an error. Nothing ever changes, goes wrong, is buggy, doesn’t work as intended, or anything of the like in Alpha.

Yes it could be a bug. What makes it a ‘strange’ bug though is this part.

In the next version of the Shadowlands Alpha that will appear this week, testers are going to see an intentional change coming to Shadowlands for a couple of older Pathfinder achievements.

Specifically, the flight training rewards from Draenor Pathfinder and Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two will no longer be required for flying in Draenor or Broken Isles content. These will now be granted at level 30 with expert flying.

You claimed they put flying in for testing purposes in BfA, however, there is a reason those sentences are in there because people weren’t able to fly in those areas previously in Alpha. So the testing bit makes no sense.

What? What restrictions did they ease? I’ve gotten 10 essences on more than 6 alts. Don’t even have to think about getting them, it’s a complete joke to get them, you get them for every content type.

It sounds to me like the intention was to make Dranor and Legion “flight capable” without PF but not BFA zones. The BFA zones having flight unlocked would then, most likely, be a bug (as in “not intended”) from what says.

I mean, again… NO ONE can be “sure” of anything. All we have is the info given. But it does sound to me like a bug. I wouldn’t be surprised to see it go either way though. And frankly, it still wouldn’t matter.

There is, literally, zero reason to keep PF in any previous expansion outside of “epeen” for players who did it while the content was current. And honestly, that just really shouldn’t matter. I totally am behind there being some exclusivity in the game. But a basic travel mechanic shouldn’t be “exclusive” in any way and there are still achievements, mounts, and speed increases associated with PF which make it worth getting for folks who like that kind of stuff or for anyone who wants the ability while it matters.

Regardless of how it plays out, I just don’t understand your gripe with this change.

This is an awesome change for the older content! I’m glad you guys decided to remove the legacy requirements to fly in content that isn’t current!

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What happened during Warlords has zero to do with this discussion.

“People like me” were part of the battle to get it back. I posted hundreds of times during those two weeks fighting to keep flight in the game. I know exactly how large the upset was.

But that has NOTHING to do with this discussion. It is old news. It is over. Flight wasn’t removed. We have a way to obtain it.

Talk about the current iteration of PF. Talk about this specific change to previous expansion PF achievements. Whatever. But talking about old news that has zero bearing on anything happening today is totally irrelevant.

I agree. Flying should unlock the moment pathfinder is done. If they want to make a part 2 for a new zone, fine. Just dont ground everyone in 9.1 while we wait for 9.2


Here here!!! The war has just begun!

There is no war. There’s just a bunch of complainers on the forums.


Can’t see the war from the ground? Oh wait that’s right you can’t have fun on the ground unless everybody plays your way.


On this I actually agree. It doesn’t change things for me. I will never do pathfinder again unless they change how it operates and I see absolutely no reason to ever buy an expansion again either to be honest.

And this actually sounds odd even to me but it appears my game actually has come down to getting flying each expansion and since they removed the need to do this if I can wait (and I can), the game has become pointless to play continuously. And get this I actually have been paying for game time on three accounts each expansion to get pathfinder.

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Even that would be a huge improvement.

Again, incorrect. Almost all of northrend is inaccessible without flying. Sure you can stick the the paths “on rails” but anything outside the main quest is off limits without flight.

I actually suggested awhile ago that War Mode should have capturable goblin/gnomish anti-aircraft towers. They would give the respective faction control of flight in a section of the zone. It wouldn’t prevent flight for the other faction but flying above say tree height would cause it to start to target you. The towers would be limited to one capture per hour and automatically go neutral after 24 if not contested.

Okay, but that’s really on you. If you choose to limit what you do in game to only grinding rep, well, to be honest I’d be bored with doing just that also.

If you’re trying to claim you “have a life” and getting PF takes months and months and your single hour of play time each day, well… you probably should find a different game.

I don’t really know what to tell you other than if you’re not having fun, stop playing. I am a firmly believe that when a person is no longer having fun doing a recreational activity they should look into new endeavors.

Best of luck to you!

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I feel this change is nice but does not go far enough. Pathfinder should not gate flight and should only provide perks like free BoA flight etc. Just enable the purchase of flight in all content for a small amount of gold.