I am just providing a clarification/feedback about the Flying mounts in no-flight zones post on the community council forum.
Random Favorite mounts chosen: Horse and Gryphon
Zone with flying allowed: summons gryphon
Zone without flying allowed: summons horse (this includes instanced outdoor areas like battlegrounds)
There are a number of mounts that can fly that may fit into both categories, such as the Netherlord’s Brimstone Wrathsteed.
In cases such as this I would like to see this mount be available for random selection in both areas.
I never use the randomizer since, for RP reasons, I like to pretend my character just has one dedicated mount – and flyers move just as fast as any other on the ground anyway. But if the randomizer worked this way, I’d definitely play around with it. A nice little QoL feature for RPers in general.
Got to get the use out of those otherwise never used water mounts, that can even fly there but also have the advantage of being able to move seamlessly into the water.
I still have stuff to get from there. So the only mounts in my “mount random” button are the underwater only mounts (Sea Horse(s), Fathom Dweller, Skate Rays, etc.)
The addon works just like the ‘‘Random Summon Button’’ but with a lot more options and the addon actually makes the difference between flight and no-flight zones. So no more flying mounts in Oribos (you can also change the settings to have both or just specific mounts in specific zones).