Flying mount reputation discount

I’m not sure if this website is correct or not so I wanted to check here. There will be a reputation discount for both normal and epic flying in Wrath based on Org/SW reps?

“In addition to the price reduction in normal flying, there will be faction discounts available when training and buying both regular and epic flying skills and mounts.”

“New flying mount trainers and vendors will be added to Honor Hold and Thrallmar. The new trainers are associated with Stormwind and Orgrimmar, taking advantage of those discounts.”

Yes, on beta, the reputation discount is active and dependent on your SW/Org reputations for both normal and epic flying.

Epic flying IIRC is 4250g at Exalted.

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That’s so nice to hear. I still haven’t bought my flying mounts yet.

Go do all the org quests in Azeroth and you’re GG

Looks like my DK will be maxing orctown first rather than undercity. I have enough stored runecloth for 1 but the 2nd will have to wait. Might start questing low level zones to boost it at that point.

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