Flying is 'at a nice middle ground'

yeah…its HIS fault for not understanding your complete lack of making a logical argument. :roll_eyes:


That’s fine keep up the willful ignorance. I’m sure it’ll work out for you.

I have only heard you complain a thousand times on a thousand threads about flying. I get it. You are anti flying. You are hypocritical. You are entitled. You cannot argue your point because it is imbecilic to do so.

“Ok guys, I only like walking. So, Ion and I decided that all mounts have been removed from the game. We decided your character CAN run as an option, but first you must complete these achievements and then wait 9 months. We know you’d like this better than having the options to fly on flying mounts, ride faster on ground mounts, or being able to run on characters at the start of an expansion.”

For someone that says they can’t argue with me, you sure keep trying.


no…the entitled are the ones at blizzard who expect us to keep shoveling our sub $$$ at them while the spew up suck content like BfA and ‘compromises’ like PF that are anything but.
How many have to leave before they figure out that NOT making flight a pain woudnt have caused anyone to leave. NOT removing portals for no good reason wouldnt have caused anyone to quit. NOT taking away master loot from raiders when it didnt need to be taken.
DOING those, however, HAS caused players to go elsewhere.


That’s a gross exaggeration, flying was hardly the reason people flocked away from WoD. WoD was a glorified mobile game with no substance. And even then flying couldn’t fix that travesty.

Sure thing bud.

That’s literally how you sound, bud.

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You obviously don’t remember what happened during those weeks when “no flying again ever” was the future of WoW.


'No more flight" and somehow with the huge stink made about it all it had nothing to do with subs dropping :roll_eyes:


Subs dropping is not why they did an about-face on flying.

Millions MORE people suddenly unsubscribed. Blizzard went into damage control mode, SPECIFICALLY started asking unsubbers if they were leaving because of flight, and then reversed course.

That would not have happened unless things were dire and it was SPECIFICALLY about flying.

Not talking about WoD in general, I’m talking about those SPECIFIC few weeks of the “no flight ever again” debacle.


You do understand why there’s an incentive to flying, right? It’s an easier mode of transportation than constantly maneuvering around hills, mobs and structures that make where you want to go harder.

And believe it or not, there are some places people want to go to, but it’s a massive pain to get there. You do understand that I need to spend 1 gold every time I want to go to my ship, right? With flying, don’t need to worry about that anymore.

Pathfinder makes sense to get flying, and I think you’re not taking everyone’s POV into account.

No I remember that well. It wasn’t nearly as big of an exodus as a few months down the line in WoD.

The game never recovered from that, even after they reintroduced flying.

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I agree with him.

Flying trivializes too much content when it’s easily accessible. But dropping it altogether is unfair.

I like how they’ve approached this issue.


I’ve found the quickest way to a new game director is moving to a better game. Happily deleted WoW from my computer, sub runs out in a couple weeks. Truly, looking back, 10 years of garbage with MoP sprinkled in.


Yeah I’m talking about bfa, and wod didnt have flight whistles, and if it was that serious they would have reverted it completely and gone back to buying it at 100 in wod. They had to please the minority though who can’t live without their pretty dragons even though the zones are tiny now and take 2 minutes to run from one side to another on a ground mount . The majority of good players though dont quit the game just because they can’t fly while doing world quests lmao.

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So does LFR, yet they don’t remove that from the game for some reason.


Woah there buddy. Some of have lives and jobs. Just because you no life the game doesn’t somehow make it reasonable to the rest of us.

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The only thing I disagree with is the time frame. Even if you play alts there’s not as much stuff to do per character to gate flying this long. It should have been introduced in Zul and KT in 8.1.5 the latest

It’s weird to do new content to unlock flying in older content when you already did the older content to unlock flying.

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Good, you shouldn’t play games that aren’t for you.

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Blockquote Then we went to the other end of the pendulum and went nevermind, no flying ever. Where we’ve settled now, where it’s something you can count on unlocking and look forward to earning… we think that feels good over all. Of course people still give us feedback that flying should be unlocked right away, but as compromises go that feels like a good one.

Where flying is right now is not a compromise. It’s Ion throwing a temper tantrum and making us wait until 2/3 through the expansion when everything is already irrelevant before we can finally get flying, and then adding an entire new zone where flying still doesn’t work. PF1 would be a better compromise in that we would still have to work for it, but we still get it in a timely matter. By the time a lot of people will have completed PF2 in Beta for Azeroth, we will be a year into the expansion. That is a very poor way of treating the player base. And the player base is the reason this game exists, not for the devs’ own amusement, which is a fact that Ion seems to constantly miss.