Silvermoon City: Was just curious, but is there a mount that can fly in the Silvermoon City? if so, where could I find one?
There isn’t. Silvermoon City was not built with flying in mind, it’s kind of like the fake Rock Ridge in Blazing Saddles - a huge front as far as design goes.
Perfectly describes a lot of the Korrak Revenge BGs I did over the past week. We did win some but I’d say at least half overall, the Horde was doing the number 6 on us.
Here’s a video from the late HayvenGames to explain why we can’t (RIP man, you really were a cool content creator)
There’s a decent amount of weirdness beyond the normally accessible areas in those zones.
Just behind the gates of Zul’Aman there’s a lot of odd nooks and crannies and places to fall of the map.
Opening up flying there would require more work than just flipping a switch. They’d have to redo or alter a bunch of the zones and put in different boundaries and such
the Air is too thin to fly in Silvermoon
The rocket you could ride from the large Garrison engineering building used to let you fly in Silvermoon. Knowing Blizz they probably nerfed it hard. You could see how unfinished it was when using the rocket.
Just a fun little fact here.
A sufficiently clever and nimble Demon Hunter is able to get on top of Silvermoon… and potentially fall through the map entirely.
Mutliple access points, just need to know where to look… and how to jump like Mario.
Sometimes I go to Silvermoon on my Demon Hunter just to do stuff like this. I enjoy exploring places without flying, because you never know what kind of things you might find.
Silvermoon is essentially an unfinished project. That’s all it is and that’s all it will be. Just an unfinished project. It was never finished nor will it ever be finished. It’s so far removed from the game that Blizzard has point blank stated that it will never be revisited. Basically- it no longer exists.
Blizzard is too busy wasting time on things like Pathfinder and squishes to spend time updating Silvermoon City.
Not sure the time frame we are in anymore but doesn’t silvermoon fall to the humans at one point or another later?
SIlvermoon flying is the ultimate pathfinder. We haven’t even finished completing part 1.
knowing my luck, the only thing i’d find is a way to get stuck somewhere i shouldn’t have been.
I once fell through the world and kept getting stuck in a disconnection loop while exploring above Silvermoon lol. So yeah, been there done that.
Wow, thanks for the answers, was curious, but thanks.
This video reminded me of the good’ol days and hours spent glitching beneath Orgrimmar, into Mt. Hyjal, the Shatterspear village…
Good times, good times.
all the magical stuff in the air needed to fly is being hogged by the brooms to make them float and sweep about.
You have to complete Silvermoon Pathfinder to unlock flying