I was just wondering if Blizzard had any plans of making BFA zones fly-able without the painful rep grinds and pathfinder quests once someone has hit say level 60 or entered the Shadowlands?
As someone who missed BFA and is returning to WoW for the Shadowlands, would it make sense for old content not to have to be grinded in order to be accessible like how Legion zones already are?
Flying should be available to everyone if the content is Legacy.
I’m surprised they don’t have that available openly yet. I’m already growing tired of having to walk in SINFALL. This level of time metrics is totally noticeable. We were always allowed to use mounts in cities. Why are we being dismounted here. This makes NO f’n sense. Honestly, this could easily break my will to keep playing. It’s one of those things that just makes me having some growing resentment. While lots is fun, this can outweigh it eventually if I continue to be subjected to it.
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i remember making this post when wod was over lmao. except i actually played wod, just never did a pathfinder achieve until bfa. 
gl if you go for it, i went for every rep at once cause i came back late to bfa and unfortunately Tortollan was the last rep i was able to get, again, good luck xDD.
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Given they still haven’t done this for WOD… goodluck 
The Pathfinder requirement for flight in Legion was removed in Shadowlands, so likely the BfA Pathfinder requirement will be removed in whatever follows Shadowlands.
They have. You don’t need Pathfinder to fly in WoD, just level 30 and a flight license.
Legion flying required Pathfinding while BFA was out.
Now that SL is out, Legion flying is free and BFA is locked behind PF.
Is it dumb? Yeah…really is.
Just release flying for Soadowlands already…
But…they said…
“Specifically, the flight training rewards from Draenor Pathfinder and Broken Isles Pathfinder, Part Two will no longer be required for flying in Draenor or Broken Isles content. These will now be granted at level 30 with expert flying.”
I hate how they give us things, and then make the same things harder to get. It used to be about max level / x amount of gold at a trainer. Now they are gating this junk behind ridiculous requirements. Why?
We all know why lmao. It’s 100% obvious, like most everything in wow now, it’s made to slow you down and increase revenue by making you stay subbed longer.
If anyone takes an unbiased look at wow right now and I mean a proper look at how long everything and I mean everything takes now from just getting from point to point, to getting and completing world quests, you will see it’s all made to take for ever and I suspect (because it’s the only reason that makes any sense) it’s to keep us subbed.
Hence why I have 5 days left of my sub and won’t be back unless a bunch of things are fixed.
I’m going to stick around until they release flying. IF the flying is meant to drag it out for months that will be my exit point too. What they do next determines what I do with this game as a paying customer.
They are always so worried about retaining subs. It would seem they enjoy pissing off their customers, and shooting themselves in the foot. If they actually made it FUN… imagine that.
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If the game angers you so much why stay around and bellyache about it?
Flying is meant to be the next major patch, the problem with that is, who knows when that will be it could be months and I can’t last that long, I even get sad thinking about logging in to get a daily done at the moment and since I’ve finished my covenant campaign there isn’t much left to look forward too.
My other problem with flying is they still haven’t told us exactly what it will need to get, I’ve gotten all the previous pathfinders (which I hated having to do by the way, why not just let me buy the thing ffs) and they were a drag, I’m hoping this one isn’t so bad but from the way everything now is timegated even the story I don’t hold much thought in it being easy to get.
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Because some people like the game and would be happy if a few things were fixed. You don’t stop eating your favourite meal because one of the components could be better.
That’s what has me concerned. I’m renown 24, and still going to climb it. Their vagueness on flying is a cause for concern. It’s like they know we probably won’t like it.
If it was set up a little better where we felt more aware of the path going forward it would ease a lot of people’s minds here. I see it like a dark room with a dim light. That light is the info they give us. That is also a time gate. We are not allowed to see behind the curtain.
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Of course they know we won’t like it. Remember when they added scaling to mobs ? They didn’t tell anyone about it even being added till people complained that they thought mobs were bugged and were scaling up. It’s what blizzard does, they prefer to ask for forgiveness rather than permission.
Before anyone says it’s their game they can make it how they want, that’s true but it’s our money paying for it and we can be unhappy with what our money goes towards.
When I returned during BFA, I was gone from the game since cataclysm. Lots of stuff was never completed. I wanted to be able to fly in the legion area as well. I went back and completed what was needed to fly. It wasn’t a big deal. I had fun actually playing the game old content and new content.
It’s not a big deal we don’t have flight in Shadowlands or the Maw. It really doesn’t take that long to get around.
I think you guys like spending more time limping around and barking about it then actually doing the content.
Go clear the BFA content to unlock flight.
Thats another thing, no info at all. The frustration comes from them not saying anything at all. Take the old world content scaling for example, legion raids are still broken and so is bfa due to scaling but not a word from them beside vague word salads, or ion saying things like don’t worry you’ll be able to solo legion raids you were already soloing in bfa by the time you are in full mythic gear at the end of this xpac.