Flying... Here's the truth

You can’t prove your stance but expect me to prove mine. Nice logic.


Oh? I unlocked Pathfinder in BFA a few days ago.
I did it. It still sucked. It’s still spiteful. It’s still petty.


You made the initial assertion. I said it isn’t true. You need to prove it, that’s how it works.

Works both ways. If you tell me I’m wrong then back it up. I’m not taking you at your word. I was there at the start of BC all the way through MoP and flying was well received by the vast majority of players.

My proof is when Blizzard announced no flying going forward they had to reverse that decision within 3 weeks due to the financial backlash. Proof flying is more popular than not.

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Lol no. You are basically saying the world is flat with no proof and then when you get told you are lying you say well prove i am lying! Nah go prove the earth is flat.

You are one of the biggest contrarians on this forum. Hypocritical, double standards, arguing just to argue. I was there too. I know what happened. Flying has been insanely popular since it’s inception.

LOL, you have one or two conversations with me ever and say I am one of the biggest contrarians on the forum. You don’t know me, and stop trying to make this about me.

Your claim:

You want to say that you need to PROVE it, but you can’t. It’s just noise, so you try to shift the burden to me. No.

You just want to dismiss my claim because it’s inconvenient for you and doesn’t line up with your view.


Nice try shifting burden. It’s your claim to prove.

I was there. Flying was insanely more popular than not.


Doesn’t prove much. I can say that chocolate is insanely popular, doesn’t mean you’ll eat chocolate every day…

That isn’t what you said though. You said it wasn’t mixed. It was, and grew over time. The notion that people are somehow disingenuous about it because every player in the game didn’t hate it with impunity isn’t relevant. It’s not this binary thing you are painting, which is why we do not have a binary solution. We have a compromise, like adults.

Exactly. Most of the playerbase I’ll wager are fine with pathfinder, are fine with ground lock until pathfinder is out, and will fly the second it’s out.

I’ve yet to meet a single clearly anti flight player.

Mixed means about half in favor and half not in favor. Flying reception was not mixed. It was vastly more popular than not. That’s not mixed that’s the majority liking it with very few not.

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Yet one of the major complain here back when pvp realms were a thing were people flying down, killing you and flying away, with no way to retaliate. I don’t see flying as being very popular in this case…

I say players “put up with” PF because they find other aspects of the game fun. They tolerate the bad to get what they like.

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Well unless that changes, pathfinder is here to stay, whether you like it or not.

No, it does not mean half and half, and if you want to claim that “very few” do not like it you need to also back that up with some kind of data. The only evidence we have is pathfinder itself and the posts on the forums, which are always mixed. Just. Like. This. One.

Just because 3-4 people don’t like flying doesn’t make the reception “mixed”.

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This just proves you have zero intention of having an honest discussion. You are throwing a tantrum because you didn’t get your way.