It was less of an opportunity for Blizzard and more a resounding player rejection of the developer team’s vision for the future of the game. They will never forgive us for forcing them to include flight when they didn’t want to ever again.
Been playing since Vanilla, pal. But the right to fly shouldn’t be earned from doing rep grinds and all the other requirements on pathfinder. Rep grinding for Argent Dawn in order to enter Naxxramas is something worth doing. I would rather pay the 10g for mount training and 80g for mount at lvl 40 again.
Pal, you claimed you didn’t have time to rep grind and you claimed you were considering playing classic. I just pointed out the obvious.
I started playing wow again July 19* (I apologize I was off by 4 days) and have had flying for a week now. Whether you think it should be or not gated, it is not much of a “grind”.
What rep grinds are required in Classic to gain full functionality in the game? Not access to a single raid, not recipes for a few professions, something required for daily gameplay?
The war on flying has been one of the worst decisions in gaming history.
well when logic fails hyperbole and sockpuppeting is the only defense those people have left
There shouldn’t have been a war. It was put into the game just as raids and dungeons was. It’s been a part of the game for so long.
Why don’t we have time gated requirements for stuff like raids or ground mounts or any other part of the game? It because the Devs hate flying for whatever reason.
The team that took over during WoD. Been the most horrible group of devs ever since.
no kidding I mean its like theyre having some kind of unofficial contest with EA
Not too sure if EA doesn’t have there hand in BfA in some way.
well lets see what the next WoW expansion brings if we see even one loot box in the shop with Warcraft teir sets then its confirmed EA has infected Blizzard
Grinding reputation wise, I’d say the mechagon faction was the easier of the two to grind out rep for without feeling overly annoying when stuck on a ground mount before getting flying. Nazjatar was frankly rather irritating to ground mount through (that could be because to me it felt like a mix of stormheim/highmountain).
Pretty much this. If flying had been a thing from a jump it would have increased my play time because I’d be working on three toons instead of just one. Why do I only work on one? Because unlocking flying is a PITA that consumes more time than it did to get my Warlock to a 398 gear score and a level 51 necklace. WHY IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?! And no. Just playing the game doesn’t unlock flying in two weeks. The main story is locked behind rep. Which requires farming. Which takes time. Then there’s six or so reputations in part one that you have to reveer. Then there’s other things you have to do. Then you have more reputation to do for part two. It’s a two week thing if you have no life, no job, and work on it twenty hours a day. The fact that you can gear up that much, and get your necklace that high, before flying is even a thing for you is stupid as hell.
I try to play. I do. But after having to traverse on foot and deal with mobs I don’t need to kill at all just to get where I’m going kills the mood in an effin hurry. Flying should be available day one. Period. At the very least it should be locked behind completing the main story line. Not having flying would be a non issue if the zones were designed to support it. Remember vanilla? Remember how far away from the roads mobs were? Yeah, not in Naz. I don’t think I’ll have more than on toon ever again. It’s just too much work and I don’t play games to work. It’s not like flying was locked behind a reasonable path. It was arbitrarily stuffed behind a tedious and boring grind just because developers don’t like it. The game isn’t fun anymore. It’s one tedious chore after another. I see so many mob trains when I play it’s hilarious. Been screwed over by a couple of them too.
Flying is boring and ruins the only engaging content in the game - world PvP.
You want the truth? You want to know why people clamor for flight so much? It’s because the bulk of the game is horribly designed and everyone’s seen the hamster wheel behind the curtain.
MOST of the game is dailies (aka world quests) which are boring and uninspiring it’s no wonder people want to fly to skip through that content as fast as possible
You could do like me and never do a single daily in Nazjatar and still unlock flying by just doing the emissary each week.
I dislike that they are so against flying. Back in Cata you had flying for the entire leveling experience. It didn’t hurt anything. I still explored all the zones and did all the quests. Even zones like deepholm required a mount to even reach the upper levels. The first tier raids like bot & bwd required flying to even access them.
The other day I was in Nazjatar and Peon Gillbrack (one of the followers) says to me how he could see much more of the world when flying. And how the crabs or whenever complain because they’re grounded. I just felt that it was an entire jest from blizz putting that in there. It’s possible that the complaining “crabs” are them referring to the players that are passionate about flying. Or it could just be some random dialog but they didn’t have to put it in at all.
I wish i could remember the exact quote. I took a screenshot of it though.
Flying is not a good game mechanic, no matter how much your “I want it now” attitude tells you it is. Not flying was never an issue until the forum kids made it one.
Pathfinder is easy, and it is a fair compromise, especially since it is account-wide. Quit complaining.
I’ll first say that I’m ardently in the pro-flying crowd, and I’ve quit WoW for months during Legion and BfA until they enabled flying because playing the game got so annoying and tiresome without flying.
And a lot of the annoyance was not due to the lack of flying itself, it’s that Blizzard took out flying, but aside from the whistle, there is no accommodation made to the gaming world when flying was taken out.
What do I mean?
- Flight points. Why do we need to go through waypoints when flying from point to point? Why can’t all FP’s link directly to other FP’s without going around things? Also, why are we going in curves and even worse, spiraling when landing and lifting off instead of just going?
- Terrain sucks. Especially in Drustvar and Dazar’alar. Once you fall off, you need to either whistle or spend a lot of time running around.
- Getting knocked off mounts. Why is this still a thing? Getting knocked off your ground mount from random mob doesn’t “increase the sense of danger”, it just wastes your time when all you want to do is get from point A to point B, since except when you first ding endlevel, you’ll quickly outgear any danger from world mobs.
- Why does it take a year to get flying? Why can’t we get flying for the content we already finished? Or at least at the first patch.
So what annoys me more is the pathetically poor job Blizzard did in implementing the no flying, rather than the no flying itself.
Create an issue from scratch. Get more money (time) from players. That’s how Activision does things. That’s how most AAA developers do things. Blizzard can now add itself to the list of developers that do things the AAA way.
That’s just wrong. Flying was almost freely given to us for 8 years then all of a sudden it was yanked away and the players were straight up lied to by Blizzard for the first half of WoD. The years we had flying at max level were the most successful and popular time in all of wow’s history.
Flying = good for the game.