Flying bears please

I would love to be able to fly on my bear mounts. We already have flying panthers and horses, among others, so I think it’s fine if my Darkmoon Dancing Bear flies.

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Druids too. Flying Werebear!

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Honestly? In many games every mount can fly (like the car, motorcycles, and freaking bed in ffxiv) so I wholly support every mount flying because, well, it’s a fantasy game after all

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There was this thing, which is bear-like. Real money though unfortunately. And I’m not sure if it’s even available anymore.


They must have either enlarged it for that picture or the mount got larger since I last rode it cuz that mount used to be tiny. A little too small for me. Riding it on a tauren or an orc or even a dwarf kinda let you know it was designed for the smaller Alliance races in mind with even a dwarf sometimes seeming too big for it… so… hope it really is that big now.

Wasn’t there another one of those from the Trading Post?

In the Goldshire Inn all Bears can fly…

Oh, that is a cool-looking mount! Unfortunately, it looks like I missed it. Maybe they will put it on the Trading Post someday.

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We haven’t seen the exclusive mounts from the first 12 month sub promotion (green Grrloc and a fancy beetle) anywhere and it has been a few years. I wouldn’t exactly hold your breath on that one. I wouldn’t go as far as to say it’s impossible, but…it’s not looking likely.



Sigh. That makes me a sad paladin.

I want a Flying Gentle Ben mount with a Grizzly Adams transmog!

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Only when pigs fly, mate!

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That’s okay too! All the mounts should fly!

I want to be a flying bear!

With jokes aside, a spectral beat would be cool, all mounts that are spirit/ghosts/spectral all should all have flying abilities.

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