Flying basically non exsistant

Can’t raid (taking care of an ill person at home) and my plans were to use alts, once we got flying, to gather all of the little boss kill achieves, treasures, etc across the continents. This alone was going to keep me subbed a bit longer.
If it weren’t for the horrible ilvl scaling I wouldn’t mind doing this on foot- but when there is no sense of power gain along the way at all, It’s disheartening and depressing when it takes nearly as long to kill a mob at 120 as it did at 110.

I would just unsub until flying except that I am leveling some lower toons with a relative. I probably will though, once they get bored. I’ll come back then when we have flight.

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It’s one of the few good additions I think they’ve made the last few expacs. For the very discovery reasons you mentioned. There’s a lot more they can build and create for us to discover while moving on the ground. From the sky, it’s just all a top down map view. Speed is the only advantage, and you end up speeding by the things you would have discovered on the ground.

Yeah, I’ve read them. And agree for the most part. It’s that section that I was questioning, how the portal system was a part of destroying the immersion in a game that has had portals since BC as most posts I’ve read tend to agree WotLK was the highlight and wow whet downhill from that point.

I’m not opposed to being grounded for the first few months, but now I’m wanting to level up alts and flying would make that a whole lot more fun and less tedious.

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Except, to get flying these days, you have to discover the entire area on the ground, part of the pathfinder achievement. So, for the most of us, we’ve “discovered” everything not just once, not just twice, but several times with alts. I am currently playing two accounts with each account having nine characters at max level. (I play both Horde and Alliance.). I multibox so I run two characters at the same time. Meaning, I’ve discovered the entire new zone, five times thus far. (One account I only ran one Mag’har Org from 20 to 120.) For those of us who love to fly, speed isn’t the only advantage. Sometimes I just like to get up there and look at the scenery from the sky. Yes, speed is a factor. But like someone else said, sometimes I just fly close to the ground. In fact, I normally only go above the tree tops when I’m going long distances or over mountains.

I totally agree, flying is one of the few good additions they’ve added into the game, not just the last few expacs, but since BC. Sure content is good, new playable races, new classes, all good. But, in my opinion, flying tops them. But only because every race, every class, can fly.


Cause they’ve never said that before >.>

Amen and we’ll said. I’ve been on board since before day one. I remember doing basically what path I chose before now it’s more like a 3d side scroller that everything I’d pre-chosen and I just follow along for the ride.


This is what I see for the future of WoW:

While I really don’t care one way or another about flying… I have to agree with this sentiment 100%. “Progressing” through the story line is more like a Guided Tour now.


Look, I don’t mind having to work to get flying.

But no matter how much work I put in, I’m not getting flying until 8.2.

It just feels daft. I’d understand Blizz’s stance on flying if it meant they could cut it from the game altogether. Not implementing flying in the new zones would save a LOT of money and time.

But they’re still developing zones that we can fly in. They’re still spending that money and time. Given that, I just don’t understand the benefit to withholding flying from the players.


Well, trying to remove flying led to a massive backlash, so they’re in the process of weaning players off flight. I’m sure as soon as they can get enough players who don’t remember the days of flight at level cap, they’ll proceed with the removal.

In the meantime, Pathfinder lets them push their vision of how the game is supposed to be played on us for a large portion of each expansion, without the same backlash that no flying had.

Basically, pathfinder is how they’re boiling the frog.


That seems like a massively long-term plan. I mean, does WoW have THAT many more expansions in it?!?!

Flying is the best example that wow can’t be saved.

It actively makes the game worse, and the devs getting rid of it is a very good thing, but it’s spawned hundreds and hundreds of people who can’t stop whining about the lack of convenience.

Bliz can’t fix any of their mistakes that give players convenience.


IDK, i remember still doing Sha’tari Skyguard back in BC when the Isle of Quel’danas was out. Also, if i remember right, even the isle of Quel’danas had a purchasable flying mount from the vendor near the flight path, and near the daily bombing run FP?

The Skyguard had upgrades for a lot of players off of the boss you could summon.

In addition to that, they are spending money on end-runs around player flight, despite inevitably having to make it available:

Flight whistle
Flight paths
Flight NPCs
portal loadscreen art


Laughing hysterically

Do eet like you mean it LOL

Oh gods my sides.


6-7 months of no flying
17-18 months of flying

How is 18 months “near the end of the xpac”?


They built the game around flying in TBC and Wrath, and it worked wonderfully.


And all those zones are awful. They were awful then and are still awful now. Any zone that lacks flying is awful.

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S’just your opinion. I’m of the opposite opinion. I like zones without flight.

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