You have an entirely different mode now for world pvp Blizzard. Can you just disable flying for that and let us normal plebs have it back? Now all the flying killed world pvp folks get their wish and the rest of us can just enjoy our convenience.
You’re more than welcome to stay on the ground and get ganked into oblivion, you wanna pvp with no flying? join a bg
Did you even read my post?
Flying increases the chances of getting ganked at low levels but okay.
Flying didn’t kill WPVP, nor was PvP the reason it was removed in the first place. Those are two completely separate issues.
the “flying killed world pvp folks” are just mad that people can get away from them after being ganked several times
their tyranny has ended
They aren’t holding flying back cause of the “classic/golden era” wpvp players.
World PvP used to be a helluva lot more fun though when I was chasing people across 4 zones on ground mounts in TBC.
Plus, the inability to fly everywhere made reacting to people attacking Arathi Highlands, The Crossroads in The Barrens, Mulgore, etc, a lot longer to reach. It kept people entertained because they knew there wouldn’t be any immediate response.
So this is just another “I want flying now” post?
Chromie time greatly decreases the chances of getting ganked at low levels. It’s gankers who want flight to be restricted in warmode, because people can mount up and fly away without even realizing they were about to be a target.
There was never a special “no flight” accommodation to help gankers gank better on PvP realms. We all flew everywhere and wouldn’t have considered wanting flight to be removed.
Don’t speak for others. I play WM off because it’s not remotely like pvp servers and I still want pathfinder to stay.
I think most of you guys are missing the point here. Regardless of whether or not flying killed WPvP, it’s a prominent excuse that the devs are using to gate flying. This is more of a “let us have flying already” post and less of a “let me gank” post.
We have a winner someone read the post!
People often post unrealistic ideas about warmode or wPvP and how other people should be using it. A lot of the requests would be bad for the game. Removal of flight from warmode would kill it dead.
I think the historical perspective is important. In any case, I’m not sure I have ever heard actual devs saying that flight restriction or removal of flight in warmode is good for wPvP. It’s just forum posters who want help ganking better. In fact it’s mostly rogues.
WM players get a longer mount/dismount cast along with can’t mount for 2 mins after combat ends.
One problem solved.
BGs killed wpvp back in vanilla not flying.
its pretty annoying seeing these anti-flyers spread that lie over and over.
I agree bgs and pvp rewards where the biggest nail in the coffin for world pvp. I do think flying did play a bit of a roll in finally killing it off.
I mean, we can have the debate, but it has very little to do with what the OP is asking for. Anyone who played through Classic’s first few phases will tell you that flying absolutely did not kill WPvP. What kicked it into high gear was the addition of honor rewards for PvP kills, and what killed it was the addition of BGs as a more efficient means of acquiring honor. Flight had absolutely nothing to do with it.
That doesn’t stop a bunch of whiners, however, from complaining that flight is getting in the way of their PvP fun. The voice of those whiners is apparently coming through loud and clear because Blizzard has eliminated flying from the game for huge periods of time. This is one such period. At this point, there’s no reason we shouldn’t be able to fly already. Most of us have traversed all four of these zones backwards and forwards day in and day out. The lack of flight does nothing except to enhance the tedium of chores that are inherently tedious to begin with. The OP’s intent is to remove an excuse that acts as an impediment to quick flight.
So the problem you want to fix is that there are too many players doing warmode?