Fluid Form - Feedback

Please consider making the “Fluid Form” talent baseline for all Druids or Adjusting its location.

The thought process behind this talent is wonderful. This helps remove the clunkiness of shifting between forms and trying to fluidly utilize our toolkits. When I saw the introduction of this talent, I thought it was going to be something easily accessible to all specs in the game, but I see it’s all the way at the bottom of the Balance/Resto side of the tree.

This talent fundamentally makes most sense baseline, because it changes core druid interactions quite drastically and is a quality of life talent.

If it is not feasible to be baseline, then consider swapping its location with “Soothe”. This location makes the most sense because Soothe to Balance/Resto fits in the same realm as Bash/Incap Roar toFeral/Gaurdian and it moves Fluid Form as readily available for ALL druids.


Just bake it into the class (baseline) and make it include all abilities like prowl, dash, incap roar, stampeding, etc. already do.

The game is too fast paced now for us not to have that. Shapeshifting, as many have said in my most recent other threads, is no longer a boon, but a hindrance in many ways.

For example, as balance, if I starsurge or starfall, I should enter boomkin form even though I was just in bear form to try to survive since that’s our only survival anymore…

As feral, if i have points saved up and run off to heal and get back in range and hit rip, I should change with it.

I believe Diablo 4 druid does something like this.

I know some abilties like swipe and thrash are ambiguous but maybe we can have both with a shift to cat and shift to bear form. The same button is usable in both forms but one switches to bear and one switches to cat when not in those forms. Then guardian and feral could use them to switch quickly, and balance and resto could choose one or both for their purposes. (Or something better than that.)


I’m happy for those who want fluid form to have it but I DO NOT want it baseline. Or rather if they made it baseline we should be able to turn it off via a chat option from a npc or something.

I think too that they should allow us to control what we want to auto shift into. I’m fine with auto shifting into anything besides Moonkin form myself.

Can I ask why you wouldn’t want this baseline? Like what issues would it cause for you to have it always implemented?

My two main issues that come to mind immediately are

  1. The utilization of this passive necessitates finding hotkeys for these abilities to be on your bars at all times instead of being on your form bars.

  2. It’s current placement is odd. It should be more accessible to all specs.


This. While I love the idea of Fluid Form, I’m going to have to completely rethink my key bindings and help/harm macros to add the buttons I’ll now need to more effectively use it.


Sure. So for the reason I provided as to not wanting to auto-shift into moonkin form. I’m fine with auto shifting into bear and cat form.

With my druid I play a moonkinless balance druid (for various reasons) and auto shifting into moonkin-form would directly affect that.

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Hey, absolutely understandable! I just want to clarify what the talent is actually doing though.

As a Balance druid, you’re able to cast Wrath and Starfire in your regular human form and if you wanted to cast them while in moonkin form (as they are more effective there), you have to click moonkin form and then click warth/starfire. So this is costing you an extra GCD.

The talent is going to make it so that if you cast wrath/starfire it instantaneously swaps you into Moonkin form and starts casting. So it no longer will cost you a GCD.

I’m wondering why you wouldn’t want that interaction baseline- as it is a positive thing.

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While I appreciate the sentiment, the clarification was not needed. I am extremely aware of what the talent is doing.

As someone who is purposefully avoiding being in Moonkin form, I do not want a forced passive on my character that is going to put me into it. This also applies to it being moved to a “gatekeeping” position on any of the trees.

Hopefully this third clarification has helped you!

Gotcha, with all due respect, Bliz can not design around your feelings here. No one should be playing Balance druid and purposefully staying in humanoid form.

The only content that would be for is some sort of role playing scenario, which you can do out of combat. RP should not affect game design.

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And with a whole bucket of respect, I’m not seeking Blizz to design anything around my feelings. If you actually understood what I’ve been saying, like you tried stating, then it would’ve been understood that I am only after them making it a option. Which is entirely possible.

I think; as meta sheep, ya’ll should put more energy into your own game and how’s its played instead of trying to questionably shoot down open-minded suggestions that could see everyone happy. Especially with Blizzard themselves stating they are actively after people having a variety of ways to play.

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Thanks for the whole bucket! It really quenched the conversation!

I definitely did understand your desire- you said:

This is feedback, and of course, it is valid feedback. However, I am questioning you precisely for this very reason. So that they are able to understand this is coming from a perspective of someone playing Balance who fundamentally does not want to be in Moonkin form. Bliz knows this community and their answer was the Astral Glyph. This particular gripe, would be better served raising a totally separate issue altogether. One that I’d happily support you in! Ask for another Astral type glyph that removes the blue glow so you are just in humanoid form.

Again, I’d happily support your plight, but all I ask is for you not to derail my topic of conversation with your own personal gripes with moonkin form that really have no baring on this design philosophy I’m talking about.

I think; as a emotionally defensive person, you should put more energy into self reflection. Was I ever combative in this conversation? I hear your issue and respect it, never disrespected it, but I just contest that this isn’t the place for your gripe- nor is a spin off middle ground that requires more design work than a glyph.

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Despite your statement, I don’t think your thirst has been quenched at all. Instead it seems just as wanting as your level of reading comprehension. If this too needs clarification, ill gladly slowly walk you through this three times… again.

As for your drivel of a projection, you never asked me if I wasn’t understanding the talent and rather (obviously) passively-aggressively assumed I hadn’t because I wasn’t conforming to your one-track-minded idea.

If you don’t want opposition on anything you post, then you shouldn’t be on these forums. Especially not with how sensitive you have shown yourself to be.


Actually yes, this needs a ton of clarification. I have no idea what you’re talking about? What was my reading comprehension lacking or wanting?

It was a genuine question on my behalf, never intended to be passive aggressive. Meeting someone who is purposefully staying out of moonkin form while doing group content, is an oddity and not commonly seen

  • I digress for a second. This is also borderline reportable since it’s fully and intentionally performing worse. As an example: If someone joined a raid or a solo shuffle, etc. and was role playing and only auto attacking as a “Battle Mage” with their staff, people would be justified to report that person as intentionally griefing. However, this is not even remotely something I want to debate. I am not saying you should be ban for how you play the game.

Anyway, back on topic from me, it was a genuine question so I wasn’t sure if you misunderstood the talent is my point. Appologies! It has nothing to do with having a one-track-minded idea.

I gladly welcome opposition my friend, but you’re being quite sensitive and I’m not sure why. It’s interesting you are calling me sensitive while you’re overreacting? But, I think I have a solid book reccomendation for you to help with all of this! It’s called Hooked on Phonics (just google that and their book pops right up!)

I’m happy you had no contention with all the valid points I made in my previous message though. You responded to only quibble over your own overreaction. I take that to mean you agree that the glyph idea better fixes your feelings on Moonkin form. I’m happy to help and I support your cause my friend!

When I had to restate my point(s) of why I did not want your suggested idea three times over.

What you responded to was in response to this paragraph.

Indeed it is and indeed I am. And yet this conversation always go the same way with close-minded hive-mind members like yourself getting triggered that I’m not playing the game how you think I or others should. Never have I stated how I play should be meta or anyone else’s go to.

If that’s all I was doing then sure. However I don’t see how me not being in Moonkin form is at all comparable to the random and crazy situation you’ve provided. Also premade groups are a thing and thankfully there are plenty of people and friends that I’ve made that are more than happy with my gameplay and builds.

Understandable to a point! I know social interactions can be hard for people like you. I would say though to let this interaction serve as a lesson to ask first instead of assuming.

Opp even more projections! Though I’ll happyily take that book off your hands once you’re done reading it in 20 years. :slightly_smiling_face:

I too have a book recommendation for you! Its by the lovely Lori Gottlieb titled Maybe You Should Talk To Someone: A Therapist. If you’re able to get through it (as I know you’re currently struggling with that phonics book) I have another one for your delusions! :sparkles:

Oh boy, all I can say is I’m sorry to whatever happened to you and it’ll be okay homie! We got your back!

Really happy you heard of that book, please read it <3

Are those other people with you in the room with us currently? If so I have another book recommendation for that as well!

O I haven’t heard of any of these actually . I took a quick peek at your collection and my o my is it vast and accurate! :kissing_heart:

I am not even certain what you’re saying anymore? You went from polite, to rude, to aggressive. You need to chat with someone professionally, not on here my man.

Then you need to give me who you talk to, cause all of that was exactly your own behavior.

Its the projecting for me.

Mate, please re-read