Fluid form balance Druid

How are the spells to get back into moonkin form not moonfire/sunfire? Am I crazy to think it being tied to wrath/starfire isn’t good?

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I would take this. Problem is, too many other points that I need to take to survive before I take Fluid Form.

IMO fluid form is trash talent bloat that should be baseline and is the last priority talent in the tree.


The most important to fluid form is that, it does not trigger GCD.

In some situation it is super useful. Suppose you are rooted (last boss in NW, raid H5, H8) you can simply press a “/cancelform” macro then wrath back to boomkin without dps loss.

Specifically to your question, you can wrath/Starfire to trigger Moonkin form, and then cancel the cast through a slightly movement, then cast moonfire/Sunfire immediately.

Would it be crazy to have druid forms on a separate GCD. Would that be too OP?

Fluid form shouldn’t be a talent, it should be a baseline passive.