time to get some ground in florida before cali holds you back to much.
Ah yes. Florida man working for Blizzard.
Probably after the delta variant has wiped out all the disbelievers who refuse to get vaccinated.
Do you live in Florida?
awesome idea. and when florida gets juggled by hurricanes and development time gets halted due to studio damage.
Who me? My boyfriend crawls over the state, national, and global charts daily. This is not a good time to be out, about, and unvaccinated.
Condos for cheap.
(too soon?)
What ever helps get content out faster and better quality
Hold them back from what exactly?
I’ve heard that the bugs in Florida are huge and scary.
Why does he do that? For his job?
Besides roaches, not really? Try lizards and frogs.
Morbid fascination. We troll the forums, he looks at cdc data.
Wouldn’t it be nice if the survival rate was 99.7%? But it’s not. Keep telling yourself that it’s morally acceptable to be a plague spreader. That’s what Herman Cain said. How’s he doing?
I’m fully vaccinated, still don’t like people doomposting over COVID. If your scared hide inside, the world goes on.
How nice. You’re fully vaccinated, yet you spread “rumors” about the disease not being fatal. Did you know that despite India’s reports of 500k deaths, excess death estimates are that 4 million have died?
And yes, Herman Cain and all the others who wanted to prove that it wasn’t fatal but ended up dying. And that was before the delta variant that is more communicable and more fatal. Did you know that if you expose yourself to enough people carrying it you can get it anyway, vaccinated or not?
I hear good things about Florida. Though I live in New York, so every other state besides Cali sounds good right about now.
Remember folks. When an alligator sneaks into your office, just flip it onto its back and keep it there for about 15 seconds. It’ll go limp and chill so you can bind up their mouth
Lizards, frogs, and snakes.
Most of them being non-native species.
We have spiders but eh. I agree our bugs aren’t as bad as bugs in other places.
Hard to imagine why they would want a Florida office.
I’m lucky enough to not deal with snakes. A lot of cats though. Definitely spiders.