The problem of people making it to the end of a whole Torghast run and occasionally being unable to finish the boss is a hundred times more desirable than these end of floor bosses with hard dps checks that are harder than any of the end of run bosses
Lmao here it comes
This I can agree with. It’s kinda funny that the floor bosses hit way harder than the final boss. They need to be toned down a notch.
Troll poster is a dev: confirmed.
Yeah I beat 7 and 8 easy, but I still think the floor bosses are a bit too much. They need to be toned down.
Way to skip over everything I said in order to be toxic and use ad hominem attacks, it’s ok to have different opinions. Having different opinions doesn’t make you or me a troll.
100% Ralph
Probably stupid, but, could the mythic plus affix be inadvertently affecting this stuff? It is tyrannical week.
I mean as an unintended thing.
You disagree with anything that doesn’t favor blizzard’s stupidity.
There he is
Before you hook back up with your high school debate team, you might wanna do a little research into what that term actually means.
Don’t you insult Ralph like that. At least Ralph had a lot of thought and effort in his posts. A lot of it trollish sure but still way more high brow than the low effort, smooth brain trollop that comes out of this other guy.
I think it’s just a tuning issue imo. None of the rares or elites hit as hard as the floor boss. Also, I can see how some classes are having trouble with them because they don’t have interrupts which a cast getting through will chunk a good portion of your hp. Like 30% per cast. I’m one of the lucky classes that can reduce the cooldown of mine to 4 seconds if I get that anima power, but classes like holy pally and mw monks that don’t have a baseline interrupt get screwed hard. I think blizzard failed to take into account that not every class has a baseline kit of everything like interrupts, stuns, slows. They either need to add anima based spells for toghast only or tone down the boss HP. I can see now how the higher you go, some classes will struggle.
I just feel like the “you shouldn’t be BiS in a week” is the same as “you shouldn’t be optimal in all content” but maybe you’re right I miss Ralph
Blizzard definitely missed the mark with the floor bosses, especially the Consular. Sin Bolt has ruined two floor 5 runs already.
Imagine me doing it as a resto druid lmao.
no silence
no stun
some op roots
oh joy.
I think it’s hitting the point now where it’s gotten difficult enough to warrant putting addition rewards in
I have no idea why I would bother doing + 8 floors for like 100 more soul ash
My legendary is upgraded as far as it can go and the bloody thing is just really time consuming and doesn’t feel worth it at this point
It’s also becoming more so frustrating than fun because your whole run hinges on you getting decent powers or you’re just stuffed
The dude is legit just a forum troll. He just picks an argument based on what he thinks gets the most bites. He does it literally all the time, and not very well.
On Topic: I did notice that the end of layer bosses where knocking me around fierce today.
I’ve tried all four specs. None of them are working.
And this is exactly why the pruning of abilities sucks. Because now when there is content available to use niche spells, we don’t have them anymore. So now the shoe is in the other foot. If it’s supposed to be soloable, then give people back abilities they used to have. I’m glad that lvl 7 and 8 torghast opened my eyes up because while I personally am not having trouble because I have such a well rounded kit, other classes are not so fortunate. You can’t always depend on LoS because you got a shadowstalker stabbing you in the back with 100% increased hp.