Floating Combat Text

I think we have no choice but to see those numbers pop up since mid Legion.


Would the game be less immersive without those numbers?
Do you think it’s for the greater good? More arcade oriented, maybe?

Tell me Blizzard, why?

you can turn them off…

escape: interface: combat: uncheck “Scrolling combat text for self”


Yeh go into your interface options and turn them off. Takes about 3 seconds in game to do.

Hey, thanks for this, but the box was already ticked off. If I enable it I get extra info like healing and stuff. If I turn i off I still see damage numbers floating. Is it supposed to be this way? Or maybe it’s because of Tukui, in which case I’ve looked but haven’t found any boxes to tick. Anyway, thanks.

That’d be an addon then.

I have the box unchecked and I get no floating combat text.

Ain’t nothing but a heartache
[Tell me why]
Ain’t nothing but a mistake
[Tell me why]
I don’t ever want to hear you say
I want it that way

If you disabled it in the wow interface then you shouldn’t be seeing it unless there is an addon doing it.

Do you have a screenshot? Did you download any UIs that might have combat feedback text (different from floating text) installed with them?

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Because there used to be a really popular addon called Scrolling Battletext by Curse but it looked way better and crits would be big yellow numbers. I liked the old addon version way better than what we have now. If you got an absolute max crit then it was a huge yellow number, a regular crit was just a big yellow number and it would show for white number crits as well.

I have a UI addon, Elvui’s little cousin Tukui. I’ve looked but haven’t seen any options for this, so maybe it’s embedded in the addon with no way to disable it.

I’ll ask in the addon section of the forums, or on Tukui’s website.
Thanks all.

Having the same issue - currently using Bartender/DBM and Moveanything - don’t think any of those effect floating combat text. This is for floating combat text on enemies , correct?

7 month necro aside, try the following macros.

/run SetCVar(“CombatDamage”, 0)
/run SetCVar(“CombatHealing”, 0)

If you wish to put them back on, change the 0’s to 1’s.


If your asking about the information the red arrow is pointing to, it can be turned on or off, using

/console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 1
/console floatingCombatTextCombatDamage 0

The green arrow can be turned on or off in game through the interface > combat > scrolling combat text for self option.

When the UI was changed a lot of things were changed. So currently its really only addons that are altering peoples settings for the most part.

Awesome, thank you =)