Flirts are lewd, but dont say the f word

Just so everyone’s on the same page with this:

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Yeah, they are incorrect - we don’t.


Woah, first blue post in the WrA forums in… what feels like years.


I feel like I’ve witnessed history.


This is an omen. Only history will tell us whether it was for good or ill. Let all know now only that we have entered uncertain times.


Apparently smoking tobacco is still promoting the use of drugs.

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Amazing. I like how immediate that was too, it makes it funnier.

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I’m not withdrawing my statement.

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I love that is was specifically that mod that commented.

I will say that the prohibition regarding discussion of in-game objects is odd though, Cannibal. Really odd. The response about ‘rules lawyering’ seemed rather immature to me.

Still though, Blue Post on WRA. By all the gods. :open_mouth:


Don’t believe everything you hear someone say! It may just be an outright lie hahah


And it’s just too perfect.

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Question but was the in game drug used presented in a positive way? (I honestly don’t remember the details anymore). Yet in movies like Disney Atlantis and 101 Dalmatians there’s characters that smoke, yet it was either presented as gross or associated with a negative/bad character. I remember in the commentary track in Atlantis the team said and they wanted the smoking to look gross and unappealing. Yet funny enough, scenes with that character is edited out for TV broadcasts.

Which makes me wonder how the in game examples are presented and why it’s OK for Blizzard to depict it where as someone RPing it is not. Because it could be seen as promoting the usage of smoking drugs and w/e?

Anyway wow a blue post :open_mouth:

Well aside from generic references to snuff powder and the fact that you can collect bloodthistle as a herbalist and blood elf players actually get buffed and debuffed with withdrawl from using it.

In BC during the Cypher of damnation quest line you drop a bag of bloodthistle on the ground to tempt a illidari courier who happens to be addicted to the stuff so he calls off his guards so he can take a hit where you then proceed to ambush and murder him for a missive.

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Woah. What was that?

Must have been your imagination.

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It has to be a legal thing not a moral one, if management didn’t do drugs we’d never have had WoD.


REKT :ok_hand:


I think it’s a silly rule in a game with a profanity filter, personally.

Obviously, some idiot cursing people out in the middle of Orgrimmar would be bad, but why wouldn’t a pirate drop the occasional swear in combat? Context is important, but overall I lean on thinking it’s a dumb rule.

Let Anduin say the f word


Man, this just proves how messed up our priorities are.

Murder and violence? War crimes? Yeah, sure. Go nuts.

Recreational use of (il)legal substances. Whoooa there buddy.

Obviously I am talking about in game rp, btw. So don’t misunderstand me.