Flightstones being gone hurts crafting professions

Now that flightstones are gone, I can’t create the the sparks I need to finish my crafting professions.

Did no-one think of this aspect when designing the new expansion , or do they just not care?

If you did not already craft your sparks in DF then you can no longer make them and the items that require them to craft have become no longer attainable. This is intended.

Perhaps as intended, but IMO a bad decision for those playing alts.

how does this stop you in any way from progressing your profession?

You should still be able to get season 1 and season 2 sparks from doing content related to those. As these do not require flightstones to make. Sadly these days that is pretty much only Vault for season 1 and Aberrus for season 2. Unless with season 4 over, things like the soup and fyrakk assaults are now back to their respective seasons.

As far as I know, you should still be able to create a character, take them to Valdrakken and then interact with the Machine of Invention or w/e it is to receive five free season-1 sparks that you can then use to send crafting orders to your main

please fix this by simply removing the flightstone requirement when combining splintered spark of dreams and awakening (just like splintered spark of shadowflame). thanks!

Yes, this is indeed hurting returning players and/or players who wish to maximize their professions for every expansion. I wish to maximize my Blacksmithing in Dragonflight, but I am unable as the patterns required to progress are requiring sparks.