Flightstone wipe

They did it before in the other seasons, but it just seems petty now to do so.


Oh. Well I suppose that solves the problem of what to do with all the stones I collected and didn’t know what to do with.

Did we get anything in exchange for them?

Doesn’t look like it. 3000ish rep gone.

Well that is ducky. I am going to go yell at my wife for insisting we get the expansion now. Then I suppose we will attempt to log in and see what this new island looks like.

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its not like we could have known an expansion was coming out today

we damand dollors for are flightstones!

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Indeed very petty and communication is crucial.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:


So they have done what they have done every single launch of a new season. Reset a currency, I doubt you have any items to upgrade since they normally lock the past seasons upgradable items as well.

Sounds like pay attention to detail and know what is happening from just past events.

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i tried to get new flightstones and none of the former quests in emerald dream give any more flightstones.


Save that this time, it’s essentially a pointless exercise.

The reason they reset those currencies is to keep folks from hoarding them before the patch, so that they can get a rush on the new gear after the patch. The old currency becomes “more valuable” in the new patch because the gear is better.

But this time, there is no better gear (I don’t think). It’s the same old gear and the same old upgrades, so there was no real reason to do it this time.

Except, if you’ve never done much with them in the past, or took a short break from wow, a heads up that the currency that has more uses then upgrading gear was going away in a day or two would have been nice.

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It was a bad decision.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Not a new season; new expansion. Dragonflight should be considered still in its final season. We still should be able to upgrade that season’s gear with flight stones acquired from Dragonflight content.

Dragonflight flight stones, and The War Within flight stones should be totally different currency. Just like Anima is totally different from flight stones and they served the same purpose (busy time currency)

In general terms Blizzard has always forced players to move out of the old xpac into the new xpac by pretty much ruining any reason to continue to stay behind and just run things purely to farm to continue to try just power gaining when it comes to things such as raids and things they provide, This include some of the mounts becoming unobtainable or reduced drop rates to a extreme low. At some point while leveling the Tier bonus being turned off so that any basic gear drops are actually better than the old raid gear if its higher in stats.

The list goes on as to how Blizzard has each xpac pushed players to move onto playing and gearing in the new xpac as meaningful progression. While people are always able to generally farm for mounts that are left in such content and transmogs. They generally zilch currency and give a small gold reward for it at best.

So personally its expected they would turn off gear upgrades and empty the currency used to upgrade them in the old xpacs.

This was a horrible change. If I knew Flightstones would be wiped, I would have upgraded all my gear fully before War Within dropped. As a relatively new player who is still working on completing Dragonflight, I feel cheated. On top of that, the Great Vault in Valdrakken no longer works so I can’t use that to get the higher level gear.

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As a returning player, I had no way to know they were going to zero out my Flightstones. Had I known, I would have used them. I read all the posts I could find from Blizzard about what to do before the launch. Nothing was mentioned about Flightstones being deleted. Blizzard also did not mention that Honor Points would disappear on August 22nd (they mention August 26th).

This is not professional of Blizzard to put out official lists that do not include items that will disappear. It causes frustration and the inability for players to complete items they were expecting to be able to complete.

To Do Before War Within Pre-Expansion Update - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (

It should be known now that at the end of tww valorstones will be wiped as well for the new hotness stones

Flightstones were a new system, as were upgrade gear in general. Their wipe season to season isn’t mentioned in their notes. If upgrades were all they did it would be one thing, but they had other functions.

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forgot about the season part but yeah wiped and have to start over

also they may nerf how we get them from each boss to just the last boss but only 10 each

I personally think there’s zero reason for the following:

  1. Zeroing out flight stones at the end of the expansion;
  2. Making upgrading pervious season gear impossible.

What harm exactly would be caused by either of these things happening?

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I’m surprised they wouldn’t just create a new currency, warstones or whatever, and leave flightstones alone for DF gear only.

But maybe they want to make the DF max level content worse so that it pushes people into getting TWW. Seems like kind of a jerk move if that was the plan.