Flightstone weapon breakdown costs

You have a flaw with the world content system in terms of upgrading gear - it takes far far too long to get the gear fully upgraded. My main got fully upgraded two weeks before S4 which is a terrible feeling when that gear gets made totally obsolete on day one.

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Glad I waited lmao.
Figured they’d do this

So, am i Going to get reimbursed? or SOL from blizzard?

Nothing changes. The intent does not seem to be that Scales are the exclusive way to upgrade.

Do you mean like this kind of acknowledgment?

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Wouldn’t that be nice? Do your raids, do your m+, get your crests, upgrade your gear, everyone’s happy, hooray!

Instead you can be sitting at the crest cap and need to go farm seeds in the Emerald Dream for flightstones before you can use the crests you already have to upgrade gear. Heck, let us buy bags of flightstones with lower/unusable crests instead of just “trading up” at that one vendor, and even that would help immensely.

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Easiest and simplest solution is just remove Flightstones entirely; crests already dictate how often you can upgrade gear so there’s no reason to have yet another barrier.


So where is the refund for people that upgraded before the hotfix???

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I had spent over 2300 flightstones before the hotfix will we be getting any form of refund of what we’ve used?

Would have been nice if this change had been implemented last week before we wasted thousands of flightstones…

I don’t understand why flightstones are even necessary to begin with when crests and bullions already place significant limitations on the rate at which items can be upgraded. This artificial timegating has been the bane of the game from the start. It’s made all the more frustrating since this so called “season” doesn’t even offer any new content or items. This is an MMO not an A-RPG where that kind of nonsense can be passed off as real content. Do better.

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You guys still haven’t given me a replacement cache from the TWing last week that gave me a 441 flame-warped curio on this character :confused:

Flightstones should already be gone, crests are capped - why do we need a second gate to lock things down?

Any compensation for those that wasted a lot of flightstones when servers came up? The flightstone grind this season is rediculous… I’d like my 935 flightstones back.

So what about the people that didn’t see the posts about the half cost of the legendary not working as intended, like myself. Are we going to be getting our flightstones/crests back for what we spent before this hotfix went into effect?

So throwing knives? Rogues will hate expensive upgrade to decades old skill