You can’t fly out from Zaralek Cavern anymore with fp, only within the zone can you use fp.
When you click the npc it shows the map but no points are shown.
You can’t fly out from Zaralek Cavern anymore with fp, only within the zone can you use fp.
When you click the npc it shows the map but no points are shown.
try /reload and if that doesn’t work, exit WOW, remove addon folder, and restart WOW. If that works, you got a buggy addon. If that doesn’t work, you’re bugged
Can’t fly out of the caverns either I do not play with add-ons and I reloaded deleted the WTF folder everything
Same issue. Can fly in, but all the flight points in the rest of the world don’t show up at Zaralek flight masters anymore.
Actually, I just realized the issue occurs if you’re not in Zaralek, click into Zaralek then click back out to the Dragon Isles proper and there are no flight points to click anymore.
Edit: somehow fixed by itself, /shrug
Yep same here
Even if you’re in Veldraken/Dragon Isle
If you click into the Cavern, you will see the flight path.
BUT, if you click back to Dragon Isle, the flight path is gone.
So the bug seems to happen if you look from Zalarek Cavern TO Dragon Isle map in the flight master.
This is with me moving Interface/Addon folder AND wtf folder out of WoW folder, and do a repair.
Issue still persist.
I asked around, and some people don’t have this issue.
The next step on the hope of fixing is reinstalling the game (clean install)
But, not gonna do that.
I just did a clean install of the entire game and I still have the issue so I don’t know what to do now I’ve tried everything else.
Curious enough I completed the entire emerald dream campaign so I don’t know if that’s the coincidence or not
I have this issue as well.
I did quit the game, cleared cache and still happens.
might be fixed in next release?
I have this issue but only on 2 chars out of 12 that I checked…
Still having this issue. Only this character.
It’s only happening to me on characters that have been in the Emerald Dream.
I guess the Niffen don’t want to be nice to people who stink of the Dream? LOL
This is also happening with me.
I’ve been in the Emerald as other mentioned, but it’s getting annoying.
I know we can fly out using our mounts or hearthstone, but it shouldn’t be the way.
I’m surprised Blizzard hasn’t ack this issue yet.
Still can’t fly out of ZC…
I have 4 level 70 characters and only my hunter can’t fly OUT of the caverns using the taxi.
This problem started about 3 days ago, tried disabling all addons but the flypaths still not showing.
Uhh Blizz are you gonna fix this?!?!?!
Having this problem as well, FP’s within Zaralek Cavern work but none of those outside of the cavern show up, just an empty map when trying to fly out of Zaralek Cavern.
Also having this issue. Started last week I think.
I noticed this too, it’s really annoying having to manually fly or hearth. I remember it used to work just fine, haven’t been in the caverns in a while, just started to do catch up rep grinding and stuff and noticed it. At least I’m not the only one who’s trapped lol
Welp looks like we are stuck not having flight points out of ZC till next year now…Holidays are here and most Dev and that are gone on vacation…so we are looking at least another 2 weeks or more before anyone might look into the issue…and no its no my UI or addons…most of alt that go down there can fly out with flight points and my alts all use same UI and Addons this character uses…
Add me to the list, my main character has also complete all the emerald dream content