Flightmaster in Heart of the Forest not linked to other flight paths in Ardenweald?

When I go to use the flightmaster at the Heart of the Forest in Ardenweald, it gives a message that no flight paths are connected to this flight path. Every other flight path in Ardenweald works fine and you can fly to the Heart, but not out of it.


I ran into the same problem until I realized that there are two flight masters at the Heart of the Forest in Ardenweald:

  1. Derwynnthlmn (outside the building due east)
  2. Ceridwyn (second floor, north side of building)

The first one is not linked to other flight paths, like you say. But the second one works fine.

I’m not sure why there are two… maybe one is for if you pick Night Fae as your Covenant?


I was just coming to say this same thing!

Another Night Fae Covenant member reporting that Derwynnthlmn still seems to hate us even after the fix :frowning:

I’m with the Night Fae and can confirm that Derwynnthlmn does not have any FP connected to it.

It was very frustrating until I found the second one. Thanks for location information. :slight_smile:


Same. Annoying because Night Fae should have, if anything, more flight paths. No reason we should not have access to both. I went to turn in a quest for Tirna Scithe at the outside innkeeper and was like “Oooh, new flight path, convenient.” Nope. Had to run back inside to fly anywhere.