Flight switching as it's implemented is ridiculous

The alternating expansion teams theory strikes again.


That is more reasonable than the lazy way did it currently.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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So what’s next? I mean if taking 5 seconds of your precious time to swap flight styles is a big deal… Should they just instantly swap us from AOE to Singe Target builds when we get to boss in a raid? I mean it’s so time consuming to have to hit the button then select the talent spec I want to use. That’s the gist of this complaint. Easiest logical way to stop all the crying would be just make 1 flying mount NON dragon riding and make it a quest line to obtain. Then all that can’t fathom taking 5 seconds to switch can just have that one mount to be so proud of.
I love being able to use all my mount collection now and not just certain ones for dragon flying.

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Everything was working fine last patch and they objectively made it worse. It’s so wild to me that people just blindly accept things like this. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:


it’s called CHANGE… welcome to the real world, Oh… It doesn’t revolve around anyone specifically either, just fyi…

I compiled together a few suggestions in another thread. Any of them would be a better version of what we have currently.

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This feels like a huge troll post. Ain’t no way your complaining about having both regular flying and dynamic flying for all mounts.

I like the last one personally. Make it where we can add a few mounts for “steady flight” and keep all others “skyriding” Problem solved for all.

Or just fix it all with making all cities NO FLY ZONES… ground mount only, then all the whiners would come out complaining about wanting to fly from the bank to the AH… nothing will make everyone happy. NOTHING. game could be free and everything obtainable with one kill and someone would still cry about it.

There’s so many ways to do this better.
For me (not for everyone), I wouldn’t mind mounts being reserved for normal or dragonriding as I’m bringing the icon to my bar, like as a “Are you sure?” prompt, but be a “normal or dragonriding?” prompt.
Alternatively, we’re not doing much while we’re flying, so just like a vehicle has an eject button on screen, why not a swap button to go back and forth while mounted?

If I worked in UI/UX and blizz didn’t hire me because that would cost too much money and they’re about cutting corners, this is what I would have presented to them and they would reject so they didn’t have to credit me, but keep in their back pocket to pull out when subscriptions get really low, just like in 9.1.5/the mass exodus to FFXIV when blizz had Mage Tower return, uncapped AOE, and a plethora of other QOL features ready to go to retain payers for a Q4 summary.


Simple fix:
Change “Aeriel Halt” to instead convert from “Skyriding” to regular flying mid-flight, and make it so that it can’t be used during Sky Races and such.

I think Skyriding is definitively superior as a gaming experience except when attempting to rapidly harvest professional materials or navigate within very narrow spaces. And depending on how a person wants to play this game… those exceptions can come up a LOT.

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The issue stems from the ham-fisted cast to swap flight styles, when the precident had been set to just 1.5 seconds. The cast time for a mount itself.

I prefer to skyride, so this is a non-issue. wouldn’t care if mounts were one or the other. 5 second cast time is fine, because i only use it maybe once a week max.

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They aren’t. People are complaining about having a ridiculous punishment for swapping between the styles when last patch you could freely swap at any moment.

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An interesting example considering you’re gonna have problems if you instantly switch from going fast to slow on the highway or slow to fast on surface streets.

I have issues controlling Sky riding when at top speed. My reflexes just aren’t as sharp as they used to be. So when it comes to navigating tighter spaces, I tend to just run on the mount rather than fly.

I know I could switch, but it’s easier not to worry about it. Would I do it if the cast time were shorter? Probably not, it would still be easier not to. What about instant? Maybe, but I feel like it would still be easier not to worry about it.

I might do it if it were instant and didn’t dismount you. But that would allow people to fly up high on normal flying and then switch. So if that were going to be the case, it would need to be castable only while on the ground.

Sometimes we have to show them the way to the promise land.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Oh! Well if YOU don’t use then that’s all anybody needs!

Nobody should ever want situational control if you don’t know when to use it!

And that’s fine - but I DON’T want the majority of my mounts to suddenly default to Skyriding. It makes perfect sense that there are mounts that are specific to Skyriding just as there are specific Dragonriding mounts. And it makes sense that the Dragonriding mounts could “learn” Skyriding - hence the intro quests to Skyriding. If they want to give me the option to have other, previously “steady” flight only mounts “learn” Skyriding, okay. But I do not want all of my, or even the majority of my standard flying mounts to automatically be Skyriding unless I toggle a damn button. And there is no reason they couldn’t have done it the way I just described, and still have accomplished their goals. Rather than forcing people into something that based on most of the people I’ve talked to, is not well liked. The idea of Skyriding is liked, the default and toggle situation is not.


Great post and you have revealed an insight beyond insight.

You are a valued member of the WoW community.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

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I am baffled because DF was a normal expansion compared to Battle For Azeroth and Shadow lands. But then they go and do this before TWW launch? Just why?