Flight school: Up and Away!

Can you please fix the hit detection on this flowers! the amount of times i have fallen straight though the middle of one is mind blowing.

this is what happens when you sack QA, if you can’t get these to work right then don’t make these types of quest.

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This has been bugged since release. There seems to be a new post on it about every few days.

Same. After about 10 tries, I finally got it, but fell thru flowers near the end 8/10 times. Also if you are over the endzone, but high, they should let you keep gliding down rather than angel picking you up right before you land.

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Some say you can go a bit faster if you turn back and forth like in Quake. Not sure if that’s true or not.

And until it’s fixed there will continue to be posts

And as of today It’s still not fixed.

Come one blizzard, this crap quest has been broken since release. Fix it already.

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It’s possible it’s not a quest bug. Might have a poor connection and the client prediction is showing you something off from where you are on the server.