Flight Points on Strike?

Since this last patch, the flight paths don’t work. I can click on the Flight Master, and the map will open showing all the flight paths, but then when I select my destination, nothing. Nada. Zilch. And this is not zone specific … I can be in Northrend, Broken Shore, Eastern Kingdom, the Dragon Isles. They are all on strike. >=/

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Yep! Mine are all busted too. I click on one, it dismounts me if I’m mounted, but that’s it.

Me too. New issue only started today for me. Not sure if it’s connected or not but as of today my favourite mount” button also summons static flying mounts instead of dynamic, even in dragon isles.

Yup…same issue, click, dismount, no go lol

Same here. Trying to work on some alts and I find flightpaths aren’t working. Frustrating watching others run up to the flight masters and and off they go but nothing happens when I try to fly to my next destination. I’ve reloaded UI, logged out and come back a few minutes later and nothing. Wondering if this is a regional thing or only affecting certain servers because I can sit and watch others using the flightpaths normally.

If you are using addons like Flight Map and Time or InFlight. Delete those addons. Flight paths started working again for me when I got rid of those addons. Looks like they may be causing some kind of error that is causing the problem.

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