Flight Point item: solved

  1. You can buy only one.

  2. They can be sent Horde or Ally. (acct bound)

  3. The EFFECTS are not acct bound meaning it needs to be used per toon (i.e not a toy). You will need to mail it to each toon that needs the flight points.

  4. It awards all FP for Kul Tiras and Zandalar both.

For storage: I recommend pick a main or a storage alt and leave it with them for retrieval.

Is there a new flight path heirloom?

See your Honourbound or 7th Legion NPC: requires rep exalted to buy but does NOT require exalted to use.


So if my Alliance has all the flight points and buys the books and sends them to all my horde, will they get all the horde flight points now even though they were never discovered on Horde?


I tested it on an alt to confirm.

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Awesome, will have to do this when I get home. Thanks

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