Flight Paths not showing up

In wow classic WOTLK I have unlocked flightpaths and when I go to fly there they do not show up as options and I have to run there instead.


This is happening to me as well, specifically the FP at Rebel Camp in Northern STV. this is extremely frustrating considering how often you need to use this FP.

I get FP then as long as i stay logged into my warrior i keep that FP. Once i log out to the character select screen and log back in the FP is lost. Just tested 5min ago. when i logged bak in i had to click to learn the FP again.


Yea if I stayed logged on I keep the flightpath. I have tried this with several flightpaths. Super frustrating hearthing to upgrade talents or gear and having to run to wherever the next set of quest are.


Having the same problem as well but from Eversong to Ghostands. Flight path keeps disappearing. Please fix this annoying problem asap. Thank you!


I am having this same issue in STV at Rebel camp, specifically


Happening to me. Disabled all addons and it still doesn’t save the flight path in Ghostlands…Glad to know others are having this issue and it’s not just me lol


Same here, i’ve discovery it 3 times now, and everytime i log out (no matter how) the FP dissapears. also, since the new UI, same happens when i try to set my Particle density to ULTRA, resets when i logout…


Same here, happened 2 days in a row, Horde FP, Bulwark and Thondiril(sp) River. Today i even went and got them back. Then I camped and came back and the FP were gone again.


Same thing with Rebel Camp. First time I thought :maybe I didn’t click on him" but after 4 times tis clearly a bug


same, rebel camp specifically for me as well. :upside_down_face:

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same with Blood Watch and Exodus!

Me too, have had to run between darkshire and camp three days in a row now.

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Same for me. Happening in Eversong Woods (Tranquillien). Every time I grab a flight pat it doesn’t save it. When I go to the next flight path and try to fly back it says no path. When I go back to the 1st flight path it is a green exclamation again like I never discovered it. I can grab a flight pay, log out, then log back in and it’s a green exclamation again like I never discovered it. I have disabled all addons and have the same problem. I have tried grabbing them 10 times and they continue to go back to green like they have never been visited. It’s making playing no fun because I have to ride everywhere. It has happened at 5 flight paths so far, so it’s not just one bugged fp.

Glad to hear it’s not just me. I have taken the flight path to STV TWICE, and it still doesn’t show. I thought at first it was my imagination, that I thought I took it, but I missed it. But now I see it’s a problem for many. I don’t see any answer, however.

I thought it was me, or that I was imagining things. I see it’s happening to many people and for quite a while. I just noticed it today.

I keep losing the Flight path as well, but at forest song. Main cities remains.

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Happens for me between Ghostlands and Eversong. Just finished Ghostlands ans went to Silverpine/Hillsbrad and i no long have Eversong or Ghostlands, just Undercity? The runs back and forth are getting unbearable.

I’m having the same problem in STV at the Rebel camp. I sure hope they address this issue soon.

Same here, fx plz