Flight Paths in Bastion

Can we get some new flight paths in Bastion pretty please Blizz? That is all.


Apparently if you’re not Kyrian, you get the middle finger. Kyrian get transports all over the place and it’s fantastic.


That’s pretty much true of any of the zones. Each zone’s representative covenant has its own transport network AFAIK just for players of that covenant. So regardless of which covenant you choose, three out of the four zones will just plain suck to get around in until you can fly.


Not really, Bastion has considerably worse Flight Paths than any of the other zones.


Travelling is a huge pain in the saddle this expansion. :sob:


Bastion seems very half-done, like it was added very late in SL development. Like it or hate it, Ravendreth has lots of little details, like the carriages and bats, and a dumb, unique currency lacking in the other zones.

All the kyrian have wings. They didn’t have a need for flightpaths until us maw walkers came in. We have the word walker in our title for a reason.


Then why do they have roads?


Most Kyrians don’t have wings lol

we do. and yes it, and we can access them from anywhere in Bastion.

They aren’t monsters. They have roads for their flightless yoo-hoo sponsors.

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isn’t this true for all covenants? i.e. Night fae has the mushroom network, venthyr has the mirror network, necrolords have ummm


To a degree yeah. Although it’s very noticeable in Bastion as the flight paths are pretty spread out compared to other zones.


Remember when blizzard said during WoD that they’d up the number of Fps to compensate for lack of flying? Seems a bit broken, no? Especially because players are routinely forced out of their covenant zones.

O and then they gave us the MAW. Lol!


navigating is much easier in SL to be fair compared to some Legion zones where there was terrain that was impassable without flying or taking some long pathway to go around or navigate through. i.e. cliffs, mountains, etc.

At least in SL the only real cliffs/mountains are manmade (revendreth) and conveniently has elevators to carry you to the top, unlike Legion where you had to navigate to out of the way, specific twisting mountain paths and navigate your way up those… just remember back to doing all the annoying Stonedark/Brul quests and world quests, specifically the quests in caves up in the very big mountain of Highmountain… was a pain to navigate to without flying, especially before you unlock/discover the obsidian overlook flightpath

I would say it’s less worse flight paths and more worse terrain. The Z-Axis mayhem in Bastion puts all but Reverendreth to shame. Ironically I spend as little time in Bastion as possible primarily not because of its flight paths (or lack thereof), but the bloom. Even with /console ffxGlow 0 in effect the area’s highlights are just way, way too bright. It’s almost blinding in some places, especially if you’re looking out from a shaded spot into bright open areas.

Really? I think Revendreth is way worse.

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Using that hypothermia system. All the travel is drawn in from the extremities.

Also Ardenweald. And more graveyards across the board!

Revendreth needs flying ASAP. I have spent hours trying to figure out which little road or boulevard goes up to what rampart or tower, or what elevator goes to which level. What should be a 10-15 min Venthyr campaign questline took over an hour just trying to work out how I am supposed to reach my destination.

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