Flight paths and flight masters

I was in Drustvar doing the World Quests for the emissary reward. With the character I was on, Arelyre, I have not done all the story line in Drustvar or found all the flight masters.

I purchased the 7th legion map that unlocks flight paths for alternate characters a couple of days ago but this is the first time I have used any flight paths in Kul Tiras with this character.

I flew to Whitegrove Chapel and did 2 close-by WQs, then was able to fly down to Falconhurst(I have not been here on this character and unlocked the flight path) and do 1 WQ. When I went back to the eagle(I assume that is the flight master), I was unable to fly from there, the mouse icon never turned to the wings and didn’t open the flight map. I used my flight whistle thinking I would be able to at least get to the closest flight point I knew but it just put me back at Falconhurst. I then mounted up and went through Arom’s Stand to the Azerite Wounds WQ near there and finished the emissary quests. Just to see what would happen, I used my flight whistle again and it took me to Corlain(which I hadn’t visited and learned the flight path before), again I couldn’t take the flight path from that flight master back to Arom’s Stand.

I assume it is some sort of weird bug maybe with the account bound map I bought from the 7th Legion vendor in Boralus. I have not tried any of this on any other character yet.

I flew back down to Falconhurst from Arom’s Stand and I am standing in front of the eagle next to the docks where I got dropped off and no fly icon anywhere I put my cursor. I have seen two people walk up and hop on a bird and fly away. I am leaving the character there in case a support person wants any more info when I next log in I’ll be where I first noticed the problem.

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I have a problem related to yours. If I use the whistle near Falconhurst on a toon that didn’t do the quests there yet, the toon ends up standing in front of a gryphon in Falconhurst, but there’s no Flightmaster to click on. I would prefer it took me to a different FP since I can’t fly out of that one.

Also this just happened at Watchman’s Rise. I flew there from Boralus without an issue, but after finishing a WQ nearby, I went to fly out and no Flightmaster there. I tried using the whistle and it took me about 2 ft to my left.

Having the same issue, my alts can fly to any flight point after using the scouting map but trying to “leave” from some of them (quest locked ones specifically) is impossible. This wouldn’t be a big deal if we could just whistle to one that IS unlocked but it doesn’t seem to work that way. So are they supposed to be unlocked or not?

This is on Alliance - I just bought the map on my Horde character (not realizing I could just mail the Alliance one and it would swap, oh well) but she’s not high enough to have a whistle yet so unsure if it’s a similar situation on the Horde side. ><

This is an issue still.
Can you blue gods not fix the quality of life for alts bugs ?

Stop sending alts to flight paths that don’t exist…
So bloody annoying.

This is still a problem. I have an ally alt, and I can fly to White Chapel, I can whistle to White Chapel, but there is no flight master to fly out of White Chapel. I have no drustvar quests left to do.

I am having the same problem with Whitegrove Chapel on all of my characters both horde and alliance. I fly to the flight point and then there is a flash of light and the flight master is gone.

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I am having this same issue. I did zero questing/quest lines in Drustvar on my alliance alt. I am thinking this really isn’t a bug however. More of a working as intended. I recall some of the Drustvar flight paths open up when doing some of the breadcrumb quests that send you to the new area.

I guess the question is is this a bug with the map heirloom or flight master’s whistle. Should we have these Flight Paths that are locked behind a quest line?

Blizzard put in a hotfix to stop people being dropped off at “unintended locations”. Hopefully this means Anyport in Drustvar as one of them.

Make sure you do ALL the quests. there is one last one to do after you do the dungeon even. it’s over on the cliff. you will have to do this one for your FP to show up again. check all your toons.

Still having the problem. Really would prefer a fix from Blizzard. This is happening to me on the Horde at Whitegrove Chapel.

Ok… this was posted in December of 2018, and here we are, about a week before June, 2019 and this is still a thing? For the love of god, fix this already! Make the phase happen deeper in the chapel or something, I don’t know, just fix it already!

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How about like other things in game let our main do quest lines and then Alts get them as well.

Same thing happening here. Except, I can actually see the flightmasters, I just can’t interact with them. The gryphons are missing though, and sometimes there will be something in its spot, like a scarecrow looking thing or something. Happening in several places-- mostly in Drustvar.

That’s just Drust. Its haunted. :stuck_out_tongue: