Flickering in some dwarven buildings

Specifically in Dun Modr, Wetlands, certain buildings make every character flicker with any turn of the camera or movement of the model. If I let go and stand still, I’ll either stop flickering or turn invisible. It’s not just me: every player, NPC, pet, everything except the environment or set pieces.

I know a lot of people will say to update your graphics card, so let me just say: I updated today, can’t verify whether that’s the problem because I’ve not been in these buildings in years before today. If you’re wondering what I’m talking about, search “flickering” and look for the Timbermaw Hold posts from 8.1.5, it’s the same problem here.


Just experienced this as well, the flickering is really bad and i thought my card was failing. Also got someone else to test and see if it happened to them, it did. My card already has the most updated drivers but i imagine the issue is something with those two buildings specifically since the rest are fine.

If you stand still, it looks ok, as soon as you move everything flickers on/off super fast.

Coords for said buildings: 46.79, 17.52 ^ 48.09, 18.56

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