Flickering in Ardenweald

There has been a lot of flickering in Ardenweald. Any chance you guys can fix that already?

Do you have an Nvidia GPU that your updated to the newest drivers recently?


yes 10char

That’s the problem. Lots of people have been having it. Can try to perform a clean install of your drivers or roll back.

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lol that is actually what I am doing right now. i hope it works.

I had the same issue when I installed the newest drivers, apparently people were expected to perform a clean install of the drivers and not just update? Idk, that’s what I was told, but the drivers were the issue either way.

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Confirming that it’s an NVIDIA driver issue. There’s a couple hundred post thread about it in the CS forums dating back a couple months and it’s yet to be resolved.

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Yea, this started happening to me when I just updated my drivers. I have found going into the advance tab and choosing my video card stops it but I have to do it any time I change a zone.

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Wow, a fresh install of the driver actually fixed it…for now. Thanks for the help everyone

I did a rollback on my drivers and it’s fine now. There is a large thread in tech support if you end up needing more help. :slightly_smiling_face:

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I had a lot of flickering in BFA and what fixed it was adjusting my AA settings, wierdly.

There’s multiple threads in technical support about this including this one: [Main thread] Nvidia 460.xx driver flickering - #348 by Ôblivion-drakkari

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make sure its 457.51. Most problems are solved by revertign that to that one, early december i think it was released

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I was having a lot of issue with shadowlands overall I have a new ish setup. Lots of flashing.

I turned my settings down to potato and it’s performing much better.

try reinstalling driver through nvidia geforce experience. click custom install and when the window pops up click fresh installation. It worked for me so far

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I’ll give it a try