Flexing Phalanges?

Anyone know where to get this now…I got the Animated Ulna from pet battle today and it says you need Flexing Phalages and Animated Radius which you can buy from quartermaster 250 pet charms…but where do we get the Flexing one at…


Today is first day I’ve heard of players starting to get the Animated Ulna but so far no one seems to know where the Flexing Phalanges comes from. Also Carpal, although tradeable, has never shown up on an Auction House anywhere.

Suspect Blizzard will continue dribbling out the required items over time.

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I was excited to see this. But now I am confused. I wonder how long this will sit in my bag :frowning:

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No one currently knows. It wasn’t seen on the beta in any capacity, so we’ll have to wait and see.

I just got the second piece from the quartermaster in Oribos, one more to go. Kinda weird that this last piece is nowhere to be found.

Yeah that one piece cost 250 pet charms…just wish we knew where that last one was.

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True, but beta has a much more limited playerbase to gather information from. There are quite a few things that have been discovered on live that we didn’t know on beta, which is nice, imo. If we discovered everything on beta it wouldn’t be quite as much fun.

That said, quite a few people are saying it’s probably another drop from a WQ.

My working theory was that it would be a drop (and I’ll probably be proven wrong, but meh), because you have one vendor item, one WQ reward, and it just seemed weird that they’d double up having the third item as a WQ reward.

We kept an eye out for random drops. My working theory was that it was connected to the House of Constructs, for obvious reasons. I used a lot of Potions of Unraveling over there on ghouls, because I never saw another use for the potions, but nothing ever came from that loot from the few times I tried.

Hopefully someone stumbles across it sometime soon! :smile:

eta: Who knows, maybe it’ll be something Chordy ‘finds’


It was probably bugged for a long time like that one tamer in suramar during legion, then they ninja fix it and all of a sudden we will start seeing these WQs regularly that award both non-vendor parts.

Or, it will be some super rare secret like from a pool of monstrosities with 30 yellow and no red or blue (ie so we will never see it)

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This was found today by Mat in the Secret Finder’s discord:

“for anyone interested, I found the Flexing Phalanges (the missing item needed to create Carpal) on Maldraxxus. To loot the item you need both the Animated Ulna and Animated Radius or the hand will not be interactable.”

/way 47.39 62.11 Skeletal Hand Fragments

Go get your Carpal pets :partying_face:


Thank you so much for info on this part…

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If you go up the hill toward the coords you will see a dead body and a giant dragon skull. It is to the left of the head of the dragon just inside the snout area, BUT unless you have the other 2 parts it will not react to you, you have to have them in your bags I found out, they can’t be in your bank.


I picked up 3 of them :slight_smile: one to learn the other two to sell…

I grabbed 4.

Still trying to sell the other 3 lol.