Hello bois,
I’m Shamps, a flex support player with a lot of experience in previous mythic level raid tiers.
I’m best known for my resto shaman play, but I have mained holy paladin multiple tiers, and alted mistweaver monk when needed. I’ll main whichever you need and maintain the others as alts.
- Wrath baby, completed all ICC heroic/mythic content
- Completed all of Cataclysm heroic/mythic raids
- Everything in MoP on heroic/mythic except the last couple of bosses of siege (including I Thought He Was Supposed To Be Hard during progression)
- All bosses in WoD on heroic/mythic
- All bosses in Battle for Dazra’lor on mythic to aid some allies
Though I’ve been gone for the better part of the last two expansions, I finally have the time to commit to WoW again and I’m looking for a raid team for shadowlands.
Some things about me as a player:
- I’m highly competitive.
- I’ve got raid leading and shot calling experience over multiple tiers.
- Reliable CD usage.
- I pride myself in not making the same mistake more than once or twice.
- Always come to the raid prepared, knowing the fights and have food and flasks.
What I’m looking for in a guild:
- Horde only.
- Raids have to end by midnight eastern time at the latest (prefer 11pm est).
- No more than 4 nights per week.
- Kill the boss mentality. Not looking for a fun casual group.
Update - Dec 7th
R Sham ilvl 181
H Pal ilvl 179
Thanks for checking out my post, I can’t wait to connect with you 
Hey Xarkia
I would love to talk to you when you have a chance 
Bnet: Jones #1748
If weekend raids are an option, reach out to me at Snarfed#13345 on bnet 
Hey Xarkia! I’m the Raid Lead from Artifex. WE are currently looking to fill a few healer spots for our Mythic/Heroic team. We ran a very competetive 2 night a week mythic guild in Legion with a few CE (Mythic Helya being one) and AotC on the other raids. We raid 2 night a week, Tuesday and Thursday. I know that you have a preference for 11pm end times and 12am being the latest you can go. We however run from 9:30 EST to 12:30 EST. If you can push another 30 min and want to talk, the officers and I would like to speak with you. Add me on Bnet: Madcuzbad#1933 . Hope to hear from you soon! and Good luck with your search if the times don’t work for you.
Hey Shamps!
I think our Saturday team would fit you perfect. Below is more info on our team.
Grimace is a new guild with an AOTC core team and aspirations to move into Mythic. We are laid back, looking for progression and constant improvement. Current progress is 9/10N for Castle Nathria.
Raid Times, Recruiting, and Progress:
- Mythic - Friday & Sunday 10:30 PM - 1:30 AM EST
- Recruiting All Ranged DPS
- Progress - 9/10N
- Heroic (Casual/Alt) - Saturday 9:00 PM EST - 12:00 AM EST
- Recruiting All Heals and Ranged DPS
- Progress - 3/10N
What you get out of Grimace:
- Lots of memes
- Active members
- Mid to late night raid raiding
- Relaxed atmosphere
- Regular Mythic+
To apply please contact:
- Discord - Stisicus#8898 (Pref), BNet - Stis#1648
Hey Xarkia, we have a spot for you. Guild info below, if we seem like a fit please reach out to one of the officers. Best of luck to you.
Hi!! Add me on bnet id be very interested in talking with you!
Our raid times are tues/wed/thurs 8:30-11:30pm est