Whats the play to farm this recipe?
Looks like Lord Kazzak is your best bet
classicdb.ch/? item=13518
Perfect lol. I heard in a youtube fishing might be the way. Im not sure how. Junkboxes maybe?
other than lord kazzak having about 0.5% chance, it’s a world drop. there’s no good farm, just gotta get lucky
Saw someone in Era get one from a Thorium Lockbox but not fishing or pick pocketing.
Outside of raid bosses/mobs since it is a world drop you’d ideally want to find a place with high level mob density. Got lucky a couple times in Classic getting the recipe to drop. Strangely enough both times in Winterspring while there to grind furbie rep.
Good luck!
It’s UBRs
no it’s not you’re thinking of flask of the titans
Mobs in UBRS can drop it.
But still the world drop rate thing.
My suggestion was for people adverse or unable to raid/instance. There’s also an area or two in EPL for that matter.
The Winterspring Screecher has the highest open world drop rate of 0.03%. Carrion Devourer’s are second at 0.01%, according to wowhead’s data.
I use to get quite a few of them in UBRs tbh, however I also lived in there for like two weeks early in classic.
Camp the AH.
haha thanks uncle pennybags
He might make enough while he’s grinding for it to buy it.
that’s just statistical noise
WoWhead drop %s are just from the incredibly tiny number of players who use their client and addon to record and upload drop data, I doubt any of the numbers for world drops mean anything at all.
I love how no one understands sampling, like, at all.
Thanks, found one after awhile in WS