Flameshaper vs chronowarden for Pres

Been messing around with both on the Beta and honestly they both feel really good. The burst healing potential with flameshaper is pretty insane and having another damage button also feels good.

Chronowarden with enough crit can have 100% uptime on dreambreath which is probably going to get nerfed, but chrono overall feels like the stronger tree on average.

What are you all thinking of running?

I loved Chrono Warden, simply using it for preservation and augmentation. It’s beautiful visually and mechanically.

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Chronowarden just looks fun. It kind of has a lite version of all the tier set bonuses we’ve had this expansion

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It’s a great hit as a hero talent, I hope that if hero talents are discontinued in the future, they implement some things that exist in that tree as regular talent options.

As far as I know, they’ve confirmed that the hero talents are an evergreen feature. I don’t think they’re going anywhere. There might be some reworks for lesser used or disliked ones (i.e., Oracle may need to be redone) in future expansions, but the concept of a hero talent will remain.

Chrono is more powerful overall without a doubt. It’s mostly passive power gains too so there’s not much new to think about minus the tip the scales buff.

Engulf for flameshaper puts out some impressive numbers though and feels really good to use. With a premade lvl 80 character in greens on beta I’m crit healing with it for well over 3 million and then the AOE heal is popping off for a lot too. Requires as many hots or dots as possible though and a new active ability to use so there’s more to think about.

At least we don’t have to be married to one or another.

Yeah not going to lie, I expected to enjoy flameshaper far less than I do.

Getting close to 4 million engulf crits doesn’t hurt.


I currently plan to try flameshaper to see how well emerald blossom enkindle HOTs do. I personally like the flexibility of blossom builds. Otherwise I’ll do classic dream breath and spiritbloom ramps on Chronowarden.

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Slightly disappointed the hero talents don’t offer the ability to go completely one side of the pres tree.

Like both hero talents should work with a normal pres build but it would be nice if it supported going FULL bronze pres with Chrono with like no green spells. And vice versa green/red spells and no bronze for flameshaper.

Like Chrono gets insane buffs to spiritbloom and dream breath and it doesn’t really make sense to me. It doesn’t really do anything with the bronze healing lol

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I don’t think they wanted to design the trees in a way that forces you to use one or the other depending which build you play.

No I agree. I don’t think it should force you to one whatsoever. Just somehow enable the ability to do so cause right now it’s kind of trolling to try and be pure bronze or pure green pres. But I kind of expected Chronowarden for example to actually buff the bronze stuff a little more than it does. It just makes spiritbloom and dream breath op for some reason.

It’s just when evoker was first released I was excited at the prospect of being a pure bronze healer (and kind of could before they ruined temporal anomaly). So when the hero talents came out that’s supposed to give you this flavor/fantasy I expected Chronowarden to allow me to go be a pure bronze healer if I wanted. Mechanically, visually, thematically etc. But it’s just normal presevoker with some really strong passives for green spells. It’s a let down

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Agreed. I was really hoping to finally go full Bronze. Chronowarden the Green magic caster feels lame. Fortunately the first tier set in TWW promotes Reversion, but only after casting a Green spell.

Sadly they seem to be forcing a rule in the design that evokers must include all aspect’s magic together to fit the theme of the dragonflight expansion. I imagine that looked good on paper but is sorely lacking in fun.

I think it would be obvious to anyone that the option to focus any one school of magic would be tremendously cool and provide enormous gameplay and entertainment value, even if it were primarily changing spell colors with perhaps minor changes to effects.


You could never effectively heal anything without using all your other spells though.

I get wanting to be a time magic based healer, but there’s just not enough bronze spells in our tree to properly heal any content on their own.

Spiritbloom converted to a bronze spell, now procs the Golden Hour effect on targets affected. And reduces all cooldowns by 3 seconds when used.

Dream breath converted to a bronze spell. Now converts the next (2.0 * spellpower) damage that would be taken into healing. (Adds a little time rewindy sound effect when it converts dmg) This was in addition to the hot, but could replace the hot entirely and be much higher.

When consuming Echo, there is a 20% chance to spawn a time anomaly of your past self casting the same spell echoed after a delay, at 50% effectiveness. Let it roll per echo so it can spawn multiple when using Temporal, fun.

Verdant embrace converted to a bronze spell. For the next 5 seconds, can be activated again to “rewind” back to your previous location, restoring 33% of DMG taken and mana spent during that time. If Lifebind is talented, causes both targets to share 40% of damage taken.

Stuff like that.


This guy gets it

Edit: my lack of imagination would have been happy with switching Living Flame for Sand Blast and Disintegrate with a bronze channel, even if just aesthetically, both are spells already in use by the Timewalkers in DF


I actually was also disappointed on Chronowarden not effecting Rescue, just only hover.

Imagine if Rescue teleported you to the target the ported both to the location through a bronze portal… would be absolutely visually amazing.

But I wish their was a way to turn all my spells to bronze visuals, I wish their was a glyph to turn Dream Flight to look like Breath of Eons, solely just visually change, doing a long sand breath would be awesome.

I wish there was a way to be a pure Bronze themed Evoker. But this should go the same for Green aspect too.

Living Flame - Sand Blast
Fire Breath - Sand Breath

You get the idea, a lot of the spells and visuals are already in game but mostly tied to enemies and NPCs… Let us use them even if it’s glyphs.

Or instead of Glyphs are unique way to align with the aspects by speaking to them, similar to Green Fire for Warlock, that we can choose an aspect and they give us a permanent buff that we can speak to them again to remove that essentially converts all our spells to the aspect we choose.

Example - speaking to Nozdormu gives us “Bronze Affinity” be in the general spell book that converts all our spells to Bronze theme visually (includes the animation switching to visage form to be sand like Nozdormu), this can go for all aspects. Let us pick and choose.

When using soar our wings get the sand glow animation he has aswell.

Edit: Also is there anyway to obtain Nozdormu’s weapon?


The rescue would be insanely cool. Like that quicksilver scene in X-Men where he’s carrying everyone out.

I can see it being very jarring though lol

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I know might be hard to implement but damn it would be so cool.

Such good ideas! Really hope blizz goes this direction at some point… love the creativity