Flameshaper consume flame nerf

This 50% consume flame nerf absolutely destroyed Flameshaper. I am doing around 400k-500k less healing now. Casting engulf is so weak now. Absolutely made Flameshaper worthless in raid imo.


It sucks but its still my favorite of the hero specs so ima keep on with it.

Even more weird is that they nerfed engulf in pvp when no one plays flameshaper


Yeah, I was also strangled, perhaps players abused it somehow on RBG, these are just my guesses, assumptions

I can understand like a 10% nerf. But freaking 50% makes Flameshaper not competitive to other classes and specs.


Yeah I’m probably going to quit playing this game after that to be honest. Egreious.

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Yeah. I am considering options as well.

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There’s a lot of different builds to raid heal with lol.

You could even use engulf to feed into echoed Lifebind now instead to make up for it.

I understand there are a lot of builds. But I really enjoyed my previous builds playstyle. Mythic plus healing has been miserable and now raid is not appealing anymore either. It is just kind of the final straw. Still looking at other builds to try though.

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Every build I’ve been playing with ends up being almost the exact same hps for me.

My favorite so far has been Chrono blossom builds.

Then there’s echo spamming into lifebind combos.

Echo spamming into hot stacking with crit extension.

Empowered spell spam with Chrono and nozdormu.

There’s so many little variations to play with it’s been kinda fun. Just experiment.

Yeah I am looking into chronoblossum currently. Feels so different from how I was playing flame shaper I’m having trouble getting the rotation down.

The spec was doing 1mill hps more than the next best spec on a lot of mythic raid encounters.

It was absolutely justified, lol. It is still considerably stronger than any other healer, and the playstyle isn’t dead, just less dummy proof.

True the play style has not changed but the nerf was excessive in my opinion. I wouldn’t say we are still stronger than other healers after the nerf. Also I wasn’t aware of people healing over 1 million HPS compared to other healers.

I was usually just above our resto shaman as top HPS or slightly below. Other classes such as our holy pally, druid, and priest were slightly behind but still doing well. I am now the bottom of every fight by at least 300k HPS.


Hi I play flameshaper. Its fun.

In PvP really? After 20% nerf and get tunneled to death!

You might not say it, but the data does.

Data does not. You may want to take a look at mythic logs from after the nerf.

Its still the best in raid.
Ngl it actually just put it to where it realistically should have been with how simple it was too play.

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LMAO you may want to look at logs chief, it’s still the best spec per the comments

If you need help figuring them out lmk.

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As it should be. Preservation is the best healer in the game and should remain so.