Flame Leviathan Vehicle Bugs

Our Guild has been seeing these issues for weeks now. It started out as only a couple of players experiencing disconnects, spinning, unable to shoot with vehicles, and now that we are progressing HM, it’s a full blown festival of vehicles with problems.

Can’t pull the boss without 2-4 people experiencing problems immediately or 5 people just struggling to keep their aimer under control by holding both mouse buttons down to prevent camera spinning, which leads to disconnects as well.

I’ve reported these bugs in game multiple times now. At this point, it’s absolutely killing our progression on Hard Mode, and it just blows my mind that all of the ‘Race to World First’ guilds barely had issues with this on day 1, but now the rest of the WoW community has to sit through these bugs.


I have also seen these bugs:

Flame leviathan always spawns super late

When respawning, Flame leviathan will sometimes burst through the door again or spawn in the middle of the room with no real rhyme or reason

If a passenger loads and then unloads, the driver can no longer use any abilities other than ram

Pyrite simply does not spawn on the left side of the room

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Will consistently disconnect if I try to switch from Demolisher Driver to Gunner seat and back.

And after a few attempts on Flame Leviathan, the vehicles would not respawn with the boss, had to pull and wipe again to get it to work.

Our seige engines seemed to be a bit better in the last couple lockouts but the demos have gone full haywire now.
Don’t think we’ve had a single instance where they’ve all worked first try; there’s always at least one that won’t let the driver use any abilities until they swap to a different vehicle.