Flagging question

When you flag something for spam, it mentions flagged something for advertisement or vandalism. What the heck is vandalism on a forum?

If flagging someone for spam, flag them for trolling instead. Since spam falls under trolling under this circumstance. I donā€™t know how it works with Blizzard with the flagging options, but it works this way for some reason.

Sure, I can ā€œdemonstrateā€ it:

So you have a question about flagging but I really just want about fish today - your topic is boring and rather than making my own thread, Iā€™m going to vandalize yours by refusing to talk about what the thread is supposed to be about and instead we are not discussing different species of trout!

Its under the spam-category because its the idea of ā€œIā€™m spamming your thread and vandalizing it, to make it about something else than what the thread is aboutā€ - thereā€™s a reason why ā€œspamā€ is such a loosely defined aspect because it needs to be able to encapsulate nuance where stuff that is clearly spam can be labeled it, whilst sidetangents that are still rooted in the thread is just that - a sidetangent rather than upending the whole thread for a single topic

Now whether thatā€™s how admins use this distinction or not I have no clue about, but thatā€™s what it lingustically should be referring to at least


Thatā€™s an excellent description, Iā€™d never figured out what vandalism was either.

Oddly enough, there could be a case for productive vandalism; sometimes someone will make a totally asinine post and a whole bunch of people will start talking about pizza or favorite shows or whatever to dereail into something at least amusing. Iā€™ve always thought that type of ā€˜vandalismā€™ was a better way to deal with a potentially inflammatory post rather than it devolving into insult. :sunglasses:


vandalizing also means youā€™re disrupting something essentially so thats spam in a small term. i didnā€™t notice word that until now in the text but eh.


Huh. Thatā€™sā€¦certainly a take on it

To the op, this is a prime example of what youā€™re asking about.


just look at my post - instant reported.
this is how it works. no magic behind it

Thatā€™s because it takes about between 5 to 6 people to flag a post for it to become hidden, and there is way more than 5-6 people using the forums.


This makes sense. Thank you.


Vandalism is when you try to get a thread you donā€™t like removed by making the discussion therein toxic enough that they remove the entire thread and silence the OP. The easiest way to do this is to start posting controversial politics in the thread.

This has actually happened to me. My OP did not technically violate the CoC, but the discussion went off the rails, although looking back on it now, given the topic of my thread, I suppose I should have expected that it might devolve into something that I never intended.

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It wasnā€™t instant though, but ok


What was the post? It seems to be gone now.

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I am in your forum threads spray painting your walls.


It was some nonsense about bots doing all the flagging and moderation being done by ChatGPT. :person_facepalming: :rofl: :rofl:



You get all the internet points for a Firefly reference.


I cant wait until season 2 comes out.

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Wait what?!? This is great news. Iā€™ve watched the available episodes at least 5-7 times.

Edit: I think Iā€™m vandalizing my own threadā€¦