Flagging is NOT a downvote button!

Them deciding to lighten up on moderation is more a reflection on their moderation, rather than what people were reporting. They had to have believed the suspensions they were giving were legitimate prior to this which means the reports were valid.

I did notice they have lightened up though.

and btw I have probably made well over 100k posts on this forum which means 500k posts read at least - that is why I mentioned multiple characters. My point was if you are rarely on here you miss a lot of context.

I’m not opposed to this at all. I think the idea of “downvoting without comment is unproductive, but upvoting without comment is!” was some stupid garbage.


How will they determine what is false flagging?

The post doesn’t violate ToS? The reporter having a history of reporting posts that don’t violate ToS? This isn’t hard.

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But whether or not a post violates the CoC is subjective. Moderators themselves don’t agree on what breaks the CoC.

Then that’s a good sign that the ToS is flawed, first of all.

Secondly: If moderators cannot tell when a post is deserving of removal or not, they shouldn’t be mods to begin with.

It isn’t the ToS on this forum it is the CoC.

You are being unrealistic to think everyone can be programmed to think exactly the same way.

There is a lot of grey areas in the CoC because a lot of it relies on intent which they can’t really determine plus in many cases they probably don’t have the actual time to do a legitimate investigation.

I really don’t want a more restrictive CoC just because someone flips out because they had a post buried.

But that doesn’t mean you’ve read more than someone who has fewer posts.

lol no you haven’t. Your other mage only has like 3k.

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You started posting on that character May last year. You have read 9.6k posts - (the forum keeps track).

I started posting on this character 5 days ago and have read 2.1k posts. I am going to bet I am more active on here than you.

That said, time to shut up and do something else after that depressing statistic.

This is a character, that until a few weeks ago, I have hardly touched since MoP. How long ago was that? Do you want to stalk my achievements as well? Unlike you I don’t try to hide my stats.

How would you even prove that, especially since you like to hide? That alone pretty much makes anything you say suspect.


Are you sure about that? I just confirmed on one of my recently race changed and renamed characters - not only are the stats you brought up character specific, they appear to be wiped if you name change. I bring that up because I knew I had posts posts on this guy back in Legion when I was going for Mage Tower - Might of the Grizzlemaw skin. What you’re seeing is only from when I name changed him. It appears that happened between
15 May '20 - 20 May '20

Really like this idea, Rhielle. I have my doubts Blizzard can change things (since the forum system is a third party thing) or that they would make any changes even if they could. But your solution is clear and simple and should truly be considered.