Flag of ownerhsip

Nooo, you’re supposed to get mad so I get a dopamine rush from flag rage posts :frowning_face:

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It’ s fine. Just quite often kind of weirdly used.

I see a lot of fellers use it after 5v1ing someone and then it’s kind of neat when they are left alone and you proeed to take them apart 1v1 a few times and they want to come back and “pve”.

Surprisingly no flags planted after that :slight_smile:

Going to use my Gin-Ji Knife set on your corpse and then roast you on my nearby campfire all the while, my flag of ownership is blowing in the wind.


I think the flag is funny but the way people use it is just stupid in bgs people put it down when they 5 or 6v1 you lol thats just dumb


It’s not even the flag that’s the sad part; it’s the fact that they would do that and think it’s actually some sort of “accomplishment” lol :slight_smile:

I figure some folks do it simply because they want to make another player feel bad (Well they are hoping) which is another personality disorder altogether…

Someone who chases me across the map then tries to run away because theyre getting 1v1ed very much so deserves the flag


That’s more of the exception when it’s used to actually punish a bad sport instead of the rule being the bad sports using it on the otherwise good sports. I’m not sure that happens enough for me to allow having it around!

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Sumtimes when i run with friends we all pick afew targets, maybe they was acting like a peanut in the past and we all just flag the same dude over n over again then lol at how mad they get :joy::yum:
Even if we had nothin to do with the kill, we all run over and drop every flag and other items on there corpse and watch the rage lol.

Where can I buy this item? :joy:

People waste too much time upset about this crap (I understand OP posted this as a joke). I was queuing 3’s last night, people were spit emoting in games where we had one of our DPS DC’d, mass emoting in games where better geared and actual comps won against us, etc. we were just laughing about it in Discord.

Honestly? People should just be made to go to like a month long camp when they turn 18 where they don’t get anything they want, and are made to bare knuckle fist fight someone at least a handful of times. (and they have to fight until they lose at least a couple times)


It can be yours for the low low price of just $300 from the TCG loot website.

1/10 nice try!

Love me some flag of ownership.

Planting it in the corpse of an EFC you just solod and returned the flag from will never get old.

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I just bought a flag from the bmah recently… pretty expensive purchase. If they removed it, I’d probably implode. Not sure how many times it shows up in a year per server but it’s not often.

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I’m only offended when they don’t plant it on me lmao

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Sounds like you got owned

Before it was put up on the bmah, you could buy the trading card from ebay that was selling for around $50US.

Seems like there’s still a few around for that price… tho varies a lot, and can go up to a few hundred US$.

Still… much cheaper than the Magic Rooster mount … that sells for over $2200 :woozy_face:

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h t t p s://www.wowtcgloot.com/