Flag carrying + Mistweaver

I was excited to main a healer in Blitz this season and wanted to play my monk because Mistweaver is a fun class for healing battlegrounds. However, the meta quickly made Mistweavers the go-to flag carriers in Blitz maps with flags. I don’t enjoy flag carrying, so I’ve been avoiding Blitz on my monk.

Instead, I’ve leveled up and started playing my Discipline Priest. While it’s not as fun, I chose Disc because it seems to be a consistently strong healer in PvP. I’m also considering my Holy Paladin, but I’m unsure how it compares to Disc.

I’d love to see the meta shift away from Mistweavers being flag carriers, but their strengths in that role feel intrinsic to their PvP kit. At the same time, I wouldn’t want to take away that option for players who enjoy flag carrying on Mistweavers.

If anyone has advice on healers that excel at healing in Blitz without being expected to flag carry, I’d appreciate it. Ideally, I’d like a class that performs well across all PvP content, as I don’t want to switch mains.

Lastly, if you have any thoughts on flag-carry maps or ideas to make flag carrying more accessible to all specs, I’d love to hear them.

Thanks for reading—I mostly just needed to vent about my disappointment with avoiding Mistweaver in PvP.

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This is an ironic request given that Discipline itself is one of the tankiest and best FCs, and you’d be throwing if you refused to ever touch a flag on it, just the same as on MW.

You just need to step out of your comfort zone and learn FCing, rather than requesting entire classes be made less viable FCs because you don’t personally enjoy it.

As for advice on healers that probably wouldn’t ever FC: HPal, HPriest, RSham (although they can Burrow with flag, so…).

And honestly, you could still play MW or Discipline and never touch a flag. Just clearly communicate that to your team, and then turn chat off. Yes, you will receive abuse because you’re unnecessarily putting your team at a disadvantage, but they will literally have to adapt.

Not wanting to win like 70-80% of your games vs teams on wsg/tp that don’t roll a dragon/mw is odd. :dracthyr_love_animated:

I get that it’s strong but it’s not a role in looking to fulfill.

laughs in disc priest
I just go heal mid I don’t give a dang what people say on my mw. I grab flag if no one else is and we have mid nicely cleaned up. But I ain’t missing out in a team fight if there’s a Druid or tank in the game.