Fixing the awful BfA story

This. In the Three Sisters comic, Sylvanas saying “I’m proud to be Warchief of the Horde” was the truth, because she was intending the lie to be that she wouldn’t betray her sisters. We later see her backing up that idea in BtS with an inner monologue.

And things she says to herself in her own head, apparently.


Sylvanas is so sneaky she can lie to a third-person omnipresent narrator.


As a side note on the three sisters comic. Two Lies and Truth.

  • “There are times I wish I were Alive” (Lie, we know her opinions on the living)
  • “I am proud to be Warcheif of the Horde” (Lie, she admits in the BtS that she never wanted the Warchief title; and that she curses the Loa for putting her there)
  • “I will never betray you my sisters” (Also a lie, she intended to murder them).

Is it so outlandish to believe that the very game she brought up, she had no intention of playing correctly? That ALL THREE of her comments were lies?

I think so, because it ruins the point of the story having that game played in the first place. That’s just part of the zig-zagging people have hated about Sylvanas’s characterization.

Veloran’s correct in that Sylvanas’s lie was going to be about how she’d never betray her sisters, because the last panel shows the reader that she was planning on assassinating her sisters. She couldn’t bring herself to do it, probably because of a mix of what shred of compassion she has left, and her belief that they’re going to die anyway, so there’s no reason to rush it.

It’s not outright said, but I believe the ambush signal was supposed to be Sylvanas telling them that her lie was that she’s never betray them.

Edit: The game was two truths and a lie. Not the other way around.


Even just having the Battle for Lorderaron happen first and the War of Thorns be the reaction to that would probably be a big step in improving the narrative while changing as little as possible. Aunduin could have been reluctantly convinced to attack first in reaction to the events of BtS and Stormheim by the warhawks on his side, and Malfurion could have been the one to capture and free the contrite Saurfang (" You spared my life when it was yours to take, and I sense you are truly in despair and suicidal self-hate over the events that followed. Taking the life of a single orc, even the one who helped engineer the evil done to us, will not restore what was lost. But, perhaps, sparing that life may still prevent further deaths among both the innocents of the Alliance and those in the horde who still hold honor in their hearts. For the love I once bore your brother Broxigar, go now and seek out those latter heroes to build a resistance for the purpose of thwarting the true architect all this suffering: the Banshee Queen… and whoever it is that may be secretly aiding her."

“… and when Tyrande b#####s to me about releasing you, I’ll point out that back in WCIII she killed a bunch of her own people setting my brother Illidan free.”)

This wouldn’t fix EVERYTHING… there’s too much broken… but I think that it’s a good step.


It is not physically possible for disagree with you anymore than I already do. Allow me to list why:

  1. Painfully mediocre story: Aside from the one amazing moment of Varian’s death, the Legion was a dangerously incompetent force. This should’ve been an epic tale of us fighting the endless armies of Sargeras and his burning Legion and instead we get a random Nightmare resurgence, ghost elves, frustrating AvH subplot to set up BfA, and an overall incredibly rushed narrative that didn’t take the necessary time to build up the Legion as a credible threat. Gul’dan who was the main instigator of the invasion had zero buildup to his confrontation in the NH and was only seen at the Broken Shore. Kil’Jaeden, a character with a massive influence on WC was also barely seen throughout the expansion and as before, had zero buildup to his confrontation within the ToS. After we had essentially steamrolled through an invasion that was advertised to be “bigger than the WoTA”, instead of being its’ own expansion, we simply plow down the Legion on their Home-world. There was no massive army of demons on their own Argus, most of whom should’ve seen there as they were slain on Azeroth. Just a bunch of trash mobs who we very easily took out as we made ourselves nice and comfortable in our indestructible warship. There was no massive army comprised of Azeroth’s greatest heroes, just a small group of glowing Draenei and a few random heroes. Aside from Argus and Agrammar, we’re essentially left with the Legions’ leftovers as we had already since slain all of their big guns; Archimonde, Mannoroth, Kil’jaeden, Hakkar, Tichondrius, Gul’dan. By the time we got to Antorus we’re just killing the minions of more powerful demons that we had already defeated like the High Command and Varimathras(a guy we had since beaten already and was actually weaker in this state than when we had first defeated him). I could literally go on, but that’s a thread for another time.

  2. Horde-Vol’jin = Triggered: I’ve already gone at length in multiple other threads about how much I’ve absolutely hated this and how it caused me to completely lose faith in the writers’ storytelling ability so I’ll leave it at that.

  3. Missed opportunities: Another huge strike out is how many things they could’ve done in this expansion and didn’t.

-Illidan/Malfurion/Tyrande reunion
-Archimonde/Velen/Kil’jaeden reunion and boss fight
-Sylvanas seeing Alleria for the first time in years and fighting side-by-side against the Legion on Argus

I can name plenty more, but these 3 are the big sore points for me.

  1. Scale: As I said in my 1st point, this was advertised as being bigger than WoTA by the devs themselves yet for the most part we’re confined to the Broken Isles. I mean, they should’ve sold the expansion as the Legions’ biggest “Invasion of the Broken isles + a few select locations on Azeroth” since that’s what it was.

There was no massive demonic armies, no massive Azerothian force opposing them, it was just a bunch of random skirmishes on the Broken Isles and select small groups confined to their respective zones to oppose them, that’s it. Even after we’ve procured the Pillars of Creation, they only attacked Broken Isles zones, which we were told was why they were attacking the BI to begin with.

  1. Horde? What Horde?!: This is also relevant since Alliance players are bringing up the clear problem that BfA is the Hordes’ story with them as an accessory. Well, that was Legion for the Horde. Alliance characters, Alliance themes, superior Alliance moments, Alliance gets two legacy characters back, Alliance got nearly everything in Legion. While the most Horde got was a dead Vol’jin and Sylvanas starting her tenure as Warchief with a poorly timed quest for personal power. I mean, god forbid we get at least Fenris who’s been MIA since BtDP or some other legacy Orc character.

At the very least the gameplay was good enough, but even with that there were still major problems with some of their choices for AF weapons like Arms warrior. They could’ve went with any of the numerous legendary warrior weapons in the lore; Gorehowl, Axe of Cenarius, Shalamayne, ect and instead we get a literal Trol’kalar knockoff.

The same book that says she’s proud to be the 1st female and non traditional Warchief?

Its best to fit all of that narrative(inner/outer/3rd person monologues) into whatever the the current story is at the time i.e. when they said that she felt regret after having to retreat from the Broken Shore that just means she regretted not being able to stay longer to allow the Death god to feast on more souls. She planned on getting a bigger kill count for Death by saving the Horde. The inner monologue that suggest she didn’t know about Death setting her up to become Warchief is a lie too.

See isn’t that a better pill to swallow?


It’s not much of a secret that she wishes she were still alive. She never wanted to become Undead to begin with.

She directly thinks to herself in BtS that she’s proud to be Warchief.

That was intended to be the lie, meaning that the other two were the truth. Ultimately she couldn’t do it, so in a way she lost the game by not telling any lies.


The world may never know…

I think just not being Warchief would’ve been better to swallow, both for fans of Sylvanas and those who dislike her.

She’s like a wine, it’s an acquired taste that not everyone is going to like. Some people just like white, others like rosé or red. Everyone just has their favorite wine that they prefer over the others, but all of them are relatively equal from an objective standpoint.


I suspect Blizzard has a problem with overarching plots. They really like doing side stories in the different zones, and individually they can be rather good. I liked the Zandalar story spanning its zones.
The problem was the faction conflict didn’t get enough attention by the time we reached the “threat actually being different things than the other faction” point. Of course the faction conflict was particularly dreadful this expansion, but that is besides the point here. They were too interested in setting up the 8.2 zones as unique things that they failed to develop the faction conflict story further without jumping right to its conclusion.


there are no saving bfa. it is already writing, the faction war is already over, get over it, please I’m a sylvanas’s cult fanboy and even I am sick of these threads about the lore of bfa being bad, we all know it, it is a fact, so please stop with these :frowning:

If that were true she wouldn’t have taken Saurfang’s challenge and strolled out of the Orgrimmar gates. She would have directed her people to start firing and caused huge losses to the attackers and a protracted siege for even more death on both sides.

Let’s face it. Her writing has been inconsistent at best, but closer to incoherent.


She wanted make him suffer that’s why she took him down and killed him within a matter of minutes.

What gets me about that is isn’t that how the first horde was formed? Like some demon lord whispered to an Orc that the Draenei where going to attack and they need to make a preemptive strike? That sounds familiar. Anyway congratulations guys monarchy is a dumb forum of government, but “listening to the voices in my head” is probably worse.

She was cocky and sadistic. She enjoys humiliating her enemies.

Helya likely is the key to what has been going on with Slyvanas, but I’d put more weight on a theory that its whatever Helya told and gave her beyond the lantern that was to blame for the BFA Slyvanas.

My likely answers to this are
A. Helya told Slyvanas the truth about Nylotha and that her Valkyr future sight confirmed that the path required to stop the Legion would also lead to Nzoth free in the aftermath.

B. After failing to free the Valkyr from Odyn with the lantern Helya traded Slyvanas the knowledge of the ritual to become a protovalkyr like her in exchange for providing her with souls/death energy.

Honestly though time will tell since loyalist ending pretty much promised answers next time we see Slyvanas.

Bfa may not have been everyone’s favorite expansion gameplay wise but I think it has hands down one of if not the best stories

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yup definitely one of the best /s

Ignore the crazy void elf everybody, nothing to see here, just incoherent rambling about some void vision of a better plot for this expansion.

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Didn’t even make it out of the first sentence and you’re already wrong. I think that’s a new record!

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