Fixing the awful BfA story

Actually I also misworded it. Teldrassil is actually a wound that will never heal, but it would be nice if it would be cured to some extent atleast, but given how these devs start stories and never end them, hope is pretty much lost.

Sylvanas didn’t kill hope, the writers did.

No offense but most people saw it coming and just hoped for something better.

Before the Sylvanas Warbringer was released, I prefaced most of my speculation posts with:

“Sylvanas is most likely the culprit - but its no fun to harp on the obvious. So here are other guesses!”

It was obvious Sylvanas and the Horde would be treated as jabronis when the first image of Teldrassil burning was shown. MoP 2.0 has been the running gag since BfA launched. The fact that Blizzard’s story is obvious and predictable does not make it consistent or good.


I think the issue is that sometimes you come off as an apologist for BFA’s story since you often sound like you’re saying this is the only way the expansion could have gone.


And this is how you fail to understand why people are pissed and why you are pandering to bad writing. People have shown you multiple time where we were shown a caring Sylvanas(inner monologues, cinematics / in-game rp) and told of something else entirely different because they couldn’t either pull it off, or $ucked so bad at it that they had to impose their words of god 'cause they realised the screw up they did with the “show” part of writing.


Yeah, cuz that’s what Sylvanas does. She says one thing, and then does something completely different.

Just like in Cata, she called Garrosh an ogre-headed buffoon right before she spoke to him respectfully moments later.

She agreed not to use the blight, then turns around to her subordinate and uses the blight.

Like, even you guys don’t know what her intentions are sometimes.


No, its just that it went the way I expected it to go; and thus I’m not particularly shocked or disappointed. Would I have preferred it go differently? Sure. Would I have preferred the Broken Shore Sylvanas we saw be the true Sylvanas? Absolutely. But you don’t kill off someone like Vol’jin for Sylvanas if you don’t intend for her to not stir crap up (you just keep Vol’jin around if you want just a good Warchief); and you don’t have her go straight from making a grand speech about “avenging Vol’jin” to doing NOTHING all of Legion except going on a personal errand of her own (if you intend for her to be “FOR THE HORDE”). Apathy is quite an effective tool.

As much as I dislike this story (and I truly do), I can’t bring myself to mad at it. I merely had MY ragequit moment back at the beginning of Legion (and didn’t come back for months, almost immediately after launch) because I made the mistake of going to Stormheim as my first leveling zone … and saw the storms on the Horizon that Warchief Windrunner would bring…

Well. Congratulations are in order. You are the target audience of Blizzard.


Yeah, you simply deflecting to me being into bad writing (or supporting bad writing) because things didn’t go the way YOU wanted them to … comes off as rather petty. I don’t take joy in the fact that the Sylvanas MANY fans of her saw was finally put to bed. I just didn’t see the same Sylvanas … I based my interpretations off of nearly all of her actions through the lens of “EoN”. There is PLENTY of garbage, half-baked, and plot convenient storytelling in this expansion … but for people to claim that the Sylvie was saw in 8.2.5 was NOT a good possibility … then they are just being disingenuous or liked the concept of her more than who she was portrayed as being.

Could things have gone differently? Sure. But it didn’t…

Knowing that her reign will be a repeat of mop and quitting is being a target audience?

It is necessary. Its the only way to free the Alliance from the stupidity of a Blue Warchief and meme zones.

Dude, Blue Warchief could be fixed anytime they wanted to. Heck, to mock you guys they made the Horde into an actual alliance before you guys. They can do it anytime, but they just haven’t.


Truth be told, I’m not a Sylvanas fan. Sure, I like her as a character, but she isn’t why I rolled Forsaken. And I’m far from asking for things to go my way. All I’m asking for is consistency between show and tell. You cater to tell. Fine. I ask for show and a little decency of basic writing. I’m not asking Balzac’s genius attention to details, or Flaubert’s subtle irony, or Beckett’s use of the absurd. I got enough of those to read for my classes. Consistency. Unfortunately, Blizz’s isn’t doing it at all. We are shown one instance of Sylvanas and told another. It’s up to you to acknowledge the failures of the writing, or keep thinking you’re right based on a misinterpretation of a metaphor, or because you only want to see one instance of the character that fits your way.

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I know this story is going to devolve quickly into a whinefest, so I’m just going to put in what I think Blizzard should have done, that would have kept most of the stories beats the same just made them less stupid.

  • Sylvanas still starts the War of the Thorns because she’s evil. But this time she’s actually good at hiding it and the Horde players don’t know.
  • Teldrassil is destroyed by Azshara igniting the Alliance supply of Azerite. The Alliance think it was the Horde, Saurfang thinks it was Sylvanas and thus starts the whole Sadfang Arc. Horde players can choose between Rebellion and Loyalist but now you don’t know which side is actually right.
  • Anduin is still active in the Sadfang arc, but now Alliance players can choose to side with Tyrande and be hyper aggressive.
  • Tyrande is the one who comes up with the invasion of Dazar’alor to use as a distract the Horde from the invasion of Darkshore. Still becomes Night Warrior and goes Hyper Aggression 2.
  • Sylvanas still sends both the Horde and Alliance fleets into Naz’jatar (but again, not obvious), but small hints here and there. Now it’s clear that N’zoth is a problem for everybody and not just crazy wizards in Kul Tiras.
  • Rebellion and Horde finally get together and move on Orgrimmar, while Loyalist prepare for invasion, and Hyper Aggro Alliance sends 1 agent (the player) to gather intel of what’s happening to report to Tyrande later. Once Saurfang dies and Sylvanas runs, the Loyalist go to Ghostlands to talk to Sylvanas while AggroAlliance go to Darkshore to update Tyrande. Nobody is told that Azshara blew up Teldrassil.
  • Horde and Alliance make peace, with Tyrande still in Hype Aggression 2 makes it clear she still intends to keep fighting until Sylvanas is found.

There are like, a billion ways to fix this hot mess. Just gotta set the cutoff point. 8.2.5? Launch? War of the Thorns? Legion? Classic? Each one could lead to a vastly better outcome than the mess we have in our hands.

But making Sylvanas be someone else in a trenchcoat would make BfA even more stupid and pointless than what it already is


Its funny you say that.

Am I the only one getting serious Carmen San Diego vibes with Sylvanas and the current story?

I can see mission table quests and such where we follow clues to find her and end up with 9.0’s version of AP.

Every time I read posts quoting Tyrande, Anduin, and Lorthemar discussing a search for Sylvanas, I think of:


A co-worker was telling about the new episodes of Carmen. She was talking about how they’re getting into her backstory.

Anyway what’s going on in this thread?

Yeah it sounds interesting. There is a kernel there that has many avenues to be explored. It is childhood fair, but that can always be loaded subtly with more intriguing elements.

Legion was great, save for ignoring that the Horde exists.

Talk about hyperbole!

The Horde had a memorial for Broxigar in some cave, and they also had a whole World Quest where Aethas whined about a muffin!

Clear evidence of Blizzard’s love for the Horde.


Yeah, but they left out all the important lore things we need to know.

What kind of muffins were we trying to protect?

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