Fixing Personal Loot

I mean this already happens in LFR quite a lot, from what I’ve seen and heard. In Mythic - where ML actually mattered - these guilds are already handing loot to one another.

In my opinion the game should encourage a variety of classes.

Right now PL dramatically favors armor stacking.

I feel that being able to game the system for drops (everyone make sure they pick a spec for a trinket!) is very against what a game should do for loot.


It happens WAY less often than you’ve “seen and heard” in GD. There are a number of posters out there who want changes to loot for the sole purpose of keeping people who want to trade loot to people who need it from doing so. Because they think the recipient couldn’t possibly deserve loot they didn’t earn themselves. And that people who are generous are weak and should be exercising tough love instead.

Like, “It’s okay if it happens in my guild. But god forbid somebody should give a piece of loot to someone in a normal dungeon.”

if they took away notifications of who obtained what loot, then you somewhat solve that problem of a person who will actually use that item being pressured to give it to someone who could also use it.

now if someone doesn’t want or need the item they looted, they can post in chat for those who might actually use it. I despise being forced to scrap or vendor an item that a guildmate could use because I had a lower ilvl piece, even though the new piece doesn’t have the stats/traits that i want or need.

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Remove it for guild groups. Legion had it right, no need to mess it up for the collective.


I’ll be honest, I hate personal loot with a burning passion, I want the old loot system back I want the greed and need back.


But you’re fine with people who want to trade something in a non-guild instance being unable to get people to stop and sit on their thumbs while they try to figure out if anybody needs that loot. And thus they have to scrap it.

Or the mage rolls on leather because they want to vend it out.

I still disagree. The purpose of this plan is to help guilds and hurt casuals.

Every time I got a piece of loot to drop in LFR, I got whispers about it. Thankfully I don’t play retail anymore, but I still hear about it.

Uh… what? It sounds to me like you’re arguing against PL restrictions. Which is what Mythic raiders also want…?

And then everyone would be required to use an RClootcouncil addon anyways, and you’d just have the masterloot mess all over.
Zero chance this happens.

Nothing has changed. You can’t solve the issue by trying to hide that you received loot.

I’ll just push a copycat addon that makes this ineffective. The source will be open, I can definitely program something that shows you have the addon without actually functioning.

Just make sure loot isn’t tradable at all. Let lady luck take the wheel.


then the player who got the loot doesn’t give it to that player? I mean come on use your brain. sure it may take a bit to find out who actually needs the gear, but there are addons that can sort of help with that (I say sort of because obviously there are limitations to these addons. the same limitation that cause this problem in the first place, but i digress). obviously you aren’t going to give a mage a piece of leather gear. you’d give it to that druid tank that has been trying for weeks to get those particular shoulders. yes, there may be some who will abuse this and say they need something when they don’t just to vendor or scrap it, but in the end, thats on them. also, in OPs idea, you still retain the ability to say no to someone if you would rather give it to another, regardless of ilvl. if you think that person just sat back waiting for everyone else to beat the loot pinata into submission, then just say “nope, going to the healer who actually did something.”

Edit to add: and if your guild forces you to trade to another player when you could use the gear as well, then you are in a crappy guild. its on you that you stay in a toxic environment like that.


They should make some new servers with master loot. I,d be curious to see what happens.

Me too! Actually, I’m curious about having separate servers with all implementations. I like the wowhead suggestion with removed notifications the most myself, so I’d put money on that one.

I don’t know why you’re saying that.

There was a small number of organized posters who often posted in Legion making outrageous claims about how much loot they got in LFR they were running for no apparent reason (like every boss they got loot) and how every single player in the group demanded their loot or they’d get kicked.

They would come up with plans to keep generous people from trading loot, one of which was by making it invisible as you want to do. Often they would complain that after they threw a tantrum about “entitled” players who had politely whispered them they would get kicked for acting like a dirtbag.

My experience is that most people don’t even look at what loot other players get. I often inspect players of the right armor type to see if the loot i dropped is an upgrade for them, and just trade it to them without being asked.

Hearing that outraged people who thought everybody should have a fair shot at that roll, even players that couldn’t equip it.

If you don’t want to trade and somebody whispers you, you should say “I need it” back to them. Not expect the game to be reworked to keep people from trading gear except in guild situations.

The fact we don’t really have any custom type of servers for wow is probably what is bothering me the most. Clearly with things like Classic they have seen that diversity only brings more people, it doesn’t only split people.

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I have not once suggested gained loot be made invisible.

So telling people to screw off because they’re demanding your loot is, “acting like a dirtbag”?

Okay, but in what way are people suggesting this? Am I missing something? The people who want PL to be changed are largely doing it for guild groups - to avoid wasted loot. They aren’t even remotely addressing the issue with needy people in LFR.

The OP is suggesting hiding loot to protect people in PuGs from, “PL abuse” - even though that doesn’t even happen. ML wasn’t even usable in PuGs in Legion.

So if you get loot that you want to use, nobody in that group needs to know about it. If you want to trade it, just put it in chat for it to be up for grabs. Does it matter who gets it in a PUG? You only need to inspect the players you’re about to trade the loot to to confirm they actually need it.

I get tells on alts all the time sent from personal loot helper asking if I need the crap that dropped. The addon was/is HATED because people didn’t want to feel like jerks when they wanted to keep everything and had to keep telling people no.
Same reason we can hide that we are online now.

Use and use in those situations is dependent upon the extent of what you can get out of it. If I am going to use it for niche things vs the other person it being BiS, why would I at all hold on to it? It helps the other person more, and them being a more effective member helps further the group more, which then benefits me. It’s only with the extreme that giving things away simply because the person is a freaking loot vacuum.