Fixing Hunter fantasy all specs and Hero talents real quick

MM - no pets. Lone Wolf. Dismiss a pet gets their family class ability… something something interactivity. Make their pets still useful even if they don’t have one out. Tenacity Traits buff, Ferocity Traits buffs, Cunning Traits buffs. Cheat Death Taunt at 10% health where you summon 5 pets that all aggro and go bananas for 8 secs (cannoot occur more than once every 2mins) so you get a chance to heal/run/ cry etc.
SV - one pet. Close by. melee mate. Crit symbiosis. Auto taunt every 8 secs. TEAM WORK.
BM - the whole stable. Stampede (but good). Dire Beast. Crows. ALL of it. Random stable summons proc on KC. rando pet centric. Shoehorn it into everything. Everything.

MM - does not care about Multi shot. Or Sting for that matter. Just blow stuff up with big dam wind ups and make me a turret. Ricochet for the win on everything for aoe. RF, AS, anything, everything. Make freeze trap big ST frost damage, stun and take 20% extra dam for 4 secs. FUN stuff for a solo hunter. KC irrelevant. Bleeds a waste of time. Stuff die fast not slow.

SV - does not care about Multi shot. Sting should tick hard and have fun interactions that alter gameplay. Maybe Butchery spreads SS… when a bleed crits SS crits…when SS crits 3x refund a Butchery charge… KC should hit hard and be on a proper CD that has interactions playing off it. Bleeds should tick hard and fast. Give SV ways to compress SS and bleed dot ticks so they hurt in 6secs not over 12 or 18 secs. Pet damage 25%. But my bombs and traps and bleeds and stings and butchery etc should be my primary damage.
Harpoon and Terms of Engagement should ALREADY be melded. And baseline. ITS SO MUCH FUN. Why make us wait TWENTY SEVEN LEVELS? It’s freaking iconic and awesome.
AND NO Arcane shot or Aimed Shot BS. good grief.
Definitely should have SV dual wield daggers option. Why isn’t that a thing yet. Baffled.

BM - cares about Multishot and KC weaving. and bleeds. And pet damage should be 40% overall.
BM doesn’t need button bloat. Keep it nice and clean. We like it. Stop messing with it.
It was 99% perfect.
MS should be a BM spell. Butchery is SV’s MS; and MM doesn’t need it.

Steel trap should be awesome. Why make it crap? it should SLAP. Add a talent to make it a three trap aoe gangster.
Why doesn’t SV have a fire trap. or a razor wire trap that functions like half Binding shot half steel trap?
Where’s my snake trap. Give that aoe interrupt back. it was glorious.
Raptor Strike is a stupid talent. Delete it and make Mongoose bite baseline. Why talent into a talent that gets overtalented immediately with another talent point? WTH. That’s like making Destro wait 13 levels for Immo then waste another talent point on Wither 4 levels later. Its nonsensical.

HERO TALENTS. FTLOG stop and take a step back. Its a mess. Have another go please.

Sentinel only works if the area of effect FOLLOWS the target and jumps to another if the first target dies before time runs out. Have you watched any gameplay? Used it yourself? Tanks and mobs move out of it so often it is NOT FUN TO PLAY. It is supposed to be FUN. Its supposed to ENHANCE things. It’s supposed to be effective… its a PITA.

Dark Ranger is so underwhelmingly sad it defies belief.
-Shadow Hounds should proc ON CAST of Black Arrow. Not a whatever bro maybe.
-Shadow Surge, when you damage (not cast MS) a target affected by Black Arrow , a burst of shadow damage erupts dealing x damage to up to 5 targets. cannot occur more than every 6 secs.
-Darkness Calls, you and your pets critical strikes deal 100% extra shadow damage while your target is affected by Black Arrow.

Pack Leader - Frenzied Tear- your pets basic attacks has a 10% chance to reset the CD on Bloodshed, Dire Beast, Flanking & Butchery. whatever.
BeastS of Opportunity calls a pet every 5 secs.


Make it FUN. Make some playful interactions. Nerf the damage so it’s still relevant and fair but STOP GATING THE FUN.

Speaking of fun:
Add a talent that turns HARPOON into a 3 target Grapple with a 1sec stun. (give it a longer CD whatever)
Add a glyph to Stampede, Dire Beast, etc that allows the hunter to choose the FAMILY that summons. Maybe I just want my Serpents to attack with me… Or my Spirit Animals. Hunters are mental for themes and particular pets. in case that escaped your notice…

I cannot fathom the amount of feedback for over a decade that has been flat out ignored or gone unseen. Its all there Team. So much hunter love is literally on a platter for the devs and class designers. Excelsior! Can’t wait for TWW.


  • Marksmanship shouldn’t use pets, but shouldn’t lose out on utility.
  • Survival is fine.
  • Beast Mastery should summon lots of beasts all the time.
  • Sentinel has mechanics that don’t work well with movement, this should be fixed.
  • Dark Ranger’s mechanics should have higher uptime and be more visually apparent.
  • Pack Leader’s mechanics should summon pets more constantly than Beast Mastery.
  • Fun first.
  • Random ideas to consider in difficult-to-read format.

You’re missing one fantasy here that has existed since classic.

The classic DND ranger with a pet fantasy. The player who wants to be an archer/gunman and wants to have a pet, but still wants the class to primarily be about THEM.

That is the fantasy that hunters were sold on in classic, and it shouldn’t go away completely. BM is about the pet, and that’s what it should be. Survival is melee, and if that’s what they want it to be, fine(I’m still pissed about ranged survival going away, but its not coming back so that’s fine), which means the only place for the predominately-character-focused playstyle yet still having a pet to exist is as a subarchetype within MM.

To be clear, i’m not saying the ‘I am an archer with no pet’ archetype should go away, just that the idea that MM should simply not have a pet and have no option to have one basically kills the original class fantasy hunters were sold on ENTIRELY and I don’t think that’s the correct approach.

I think having Lone Wolf get rid of the pet but give you the utility is fine… as long as the pet is still an option that performs approximately as well in terms of numbers. A 2-3% delta is fine, a 10-15% delta is not.