nothing to fix
Q times are instant
perhaps rerolling will do the trick
Everything is aligned with how original BC was in this matter. if you don’t like it go find a game that satisfies you. But stop requesting for change in the game.
Community created issues like long queue time MUST be resolved in the community itself and not with a change in the game.
so the pvp community just quits
got it, brilliant idea
That’s how BC is. don’t play it if you don’t like it. It’s for people who like that.
Real BC players won’t quit because of that. And Retail baby tourists will quit sooner or later anyway. So who cares.
my dude ive got 80 days /played on my mage alone. nearly 9 days at 70. i want nothing to do with retail. i want to be able to grind honor without offing myself
who the hell are you to tell people what they do and don’t enjoy?
I didn’t tell you to enjoy it or not. I told you this is how the game originally was and how it should be now, 90 days /played rat. Now play it if you want it or don’t. Up to you. But do not try to change the game.
There are many alternatives to the PvP gear you buy from honor. I wonder how much time you can reduce from your grind by getting some of the other gear through tokens and PvE.
Completly agreed, I currently wait get off of work at 6. I spend some time with the family and shower/eat dinner/exc. I get on WOW around 9 at night and play until about 12-1 A.M. How in the world am I expected to get the gear?
I am currently in que now for 58 minutes. I literally will only have time for 2 games IF i stay up late. I will never have the gear…
Literally just put in MERC mode. Thats it. Or allow Horde to fight Horde. They do it in arenas, why not BGS? This has no overall impact on the game at all. It doesnt change the way TBC was played back in the day at all. But 14 years ago when i played, i literally waited 5-10 minutes for que.
Please make the game playable.
BC was not this bad for honor. I can’t remember exactly how much honor I got per bg, but I leveled a lock end of S2 and hit 2k in 2’s start of S3. There is no way I got to 2k in 2’s during start of S3 without having full S1/S2 gear. I had mostly S1 gear I ground from honor with 2 pc of S2 gear I got for the last however long S2 lasted after I hit 70.
So in the time it took to get 2 pcs of S2 gear during the end of S2, I ground out all my offsets and 3 pc S1 and weapons. I’m guessing I was around 1700-1800 (I remember being close to getting S2 weapon abut deciding to get two set pcs for 2 set/3set before the season ended ) which would be 500 ish pts per week. That’s 6 weeks for the 3 k pts roughly.
Lock was my alt, I raided on war and lock and pvped on both and still managed to gear my lock in honor gear in about 6 weeks. I had more time then to play, but still had a full time job and did other things outside wow.
Like I said earlier, I can’t remember exactly how much honor per BG (not just bonus honor but hks as well) but If it was even close to what it is now there is no way I would have had time to gear my lock in honor gear.
Outside of a few pcs, Pve gear has no place in arena if you want to be competitive. Some classes can get away with less resil, but some need full.
right maybe for season 2 and onwards, what kind of percentage of the playerbase do you think has full PvP gear right now??
28 days into TBC classic it is not essential to have full PvP gear to be competitive.
Lots of alliance who farmed 75k in prepatch have full honor gear right now. Some horde do as well.
1% and I know this because I play non stop everyday. I highly doubt anyone else is doing this other than streamers. I cant enjoy BGs anymore because I know everyone is miserable farming this honor even tho I already have every piece
oh thats not really vague at all.
I bet the actual percentage of players participating in PvP that has full PvP equipment is very low. All this talk about needing it to be competitive is nonsense.
They should just sell the full PvP set $50 so people can stop complaining about having to earn it.
So what is everone doing for arena’s right now? people that arent fully geared are not doing arena’s?
I know many people who are running arena teams in full PvE gear and not having many problems at all.
I can kill through heals pretty easy if they don’t have resil. As soon as they have good resil It’s near impossible without good CC chains. It’s night and day resil vs none, without it you will fall behind in arena pts gained per week and the gear gap will only compound.
I’m not asking for instant gear or huge honor, but sub 200 honor for a 40 min queue and 5-25 min bg is just bad for everyone.
Im fully geared on a crap server that Blizzard put me on by default not knowing anything. 10 Horde on my server. All that work for nothing yay
Lot’s of people are doing arenas, gear or not. It’s just the people with good resil are at higher ratings. People with no gear are getting crushed and will not gain very many arena pts.
By “earned” you mean people who happened to be on from 1am or whenever prepatch finally dropped until 4pm when they cut honor gains by %1000 to get honor capped?