Edit: This has been fixed with the hotfix today 7/23/2020!
I know some people are posting topics about this but I thought I’d share mine as well. Since reset yesterday 7/21/2020 and patch 8.3.7 I have been having the issue of my mouse cursor sticking to the screen almost like an auto-aim feature. Here is a video showing it in action. Skip to 36 seconds to see it in action and watch until the end for another reference. It seems to happen a lot when moving with WASD and moving the mouse.
Video starting at 36 seconds: https://youtu.be/e1dIXmrFBds?t=36
Yes, ive noticed this today as well, incredibly annoying, is there a potential fix to this?
No fix as of yet. I don’t even think Blizzard has commented on the sticky cursor issue yet.
also sticking… feels like i’m playing with a wireless mouse!
Same issue multi million dollar company who can’t even do a patch right without something being broken.
Not sure if it matters, but I am also having the same issue.
Same issue here, wish they would fix it already…ffs
Just disabled ALL my addons (only use 3 addons, dbm, gladius and Bagnon). Did NOT fix the issue. This is a Blizzard related issue. Tried different mice also, did NOT work.
The more and more I play with this bug the more and more it annoys me. This honestly sucks and makes playing the game kinda miserable.
+1 also having this issue. very frustrating.
I also have this issue, ever since the patch/maintenance this tuesday.
Highly annoying and I thought my brand new mouse suddenly broke.
Unplayable like this.